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Inline 6

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Everything posted by Inline 6

  1. ^ u better not mean u gonna start wearing pink and moving to sydney time for a change to a diff skyline yeah i heard 32s are nice
  2. ^^very nice car but cant understand doing that for like 5minutes to the poor thing
  3. round 12.30 spotted white 34 coming out maccas on main north (the 1 more towards town) while i was going on, driver had a simmilar nervous look on his face as i did while we both tried to pass without touching each other and the scrap through the crappy drive way. silver 4 door at the mc d's on main north (more north 1) kahli and the 34 gtr p plater out n about the place corolla reving me at the lights me shaking my head at the passenger then it wheel spins off the line on anzac did the same at the next set of lights. and a vp with the muffler missing on his car (like you could see from where it was missing floping around underneath) reving the shit out of it next to me all the way home. dont know what it is with people thinking they need to impress me no matter how crusty there car is. id be more impressed if you could just drive it in a straight line people
  4. bottom line with shares they are like gambling however it is a much slower process than playing a hand at the casino and the odds overall are better. there will always be insider trading and dodgy creative accounting making it more fun if you would like to see horror stories to scare you kye look up a company called enron happy reading
  5. i cant but i know people that can, the old tempreture adjustment works well either that or ms paint just wait till at the lights n people ask seems pretty slow for 2000kw's
  6. Howies ^^ suprising he seemed in a hurry when up your ass but when he having his emo attack got all the time in the world yeah i think next tool i get like that im reporting. i had 1 in a redneck truck thing was pretty slow so he had trouble keeping up to the speed limit
  7. under the theory of an informed market all investors are assumed to have full knowlege and understanding of the company and therefore the price will accurately reflect the risks and rewards that investing in that company. in lamans terms people know sh*t about the company they invest in it till the price is just about right unless theres some insider trading or fraudelant activitys going on behind the scenes the price should be just about right. if its a usa comp and its not a crazy big company people may be waiting to see what there financial reports will say whenever there posted(i forget what date usa and others gota do em) and look for a bit of change in stock price around then. all advice to buy and sell is based on what the financial reports say which are about as accurate as saying yeah man my cars super fast therefore its faster than fast cars, you cant compare usa companys with those around the world because each has diff accounting standards(its getting better with IASB's but they still have differences) some companys will adjust those figures also (my old boss used to say tell me how much profit you want to make and ill make the reports say that, depending on what they want to acheive suprisingly they want people to invest in the company and records can be adjusted to encourage that. a company called enron springs to mind on paper they were doing extremely well till they filled for bankruptcy. and in summary of the above chat to me about it next you catch me on here stock market is a risky place my friend are you sure your prepared to lose that kinda $ and if you tell me that cash is from your car loan ill kick your ass ^^ tropic thunder was a bit average i thought had some moments but yeah i wouldnt say great, call me a wet blanket
  8. old school gtr motor looks like my dato's minus the tripple webbers. that aint the good engine they raced with i dont think
  9. i got the feeling this cute pedobear character was not all he seemed there was something i figured was fishy, now ryans comment has helped me figure it out the bear is homosexual in nature likes fags at the shop and dean that sounds like some sh*ty luck poor woman musta hurt, i reckon ill beat the scar she gets though had half my foot sliced open when i was like 10 no anaesthetic for the op either damn country hospitals. she sounds as clumzy as me i stepped on a broken bottle o and i hate it when i find all kinds of spelling errors and grammer errors in my posts after its too late to fix with the edit button and my overuse of the face (i use it to highlight comment has some humour in it dont take me damn seriously )
  10. i hardly see any probs round here as fault from the mods (excuse my brown nose) were not lil kids here and without parental supervision should be able to hold conversations without them blowing into full scale guerilla warfare i think people need to take it easy when someone disagrees on the things they do to the car, crazy as it might seem we all have different ideas of whats good and uncool on cars and also people need to lay off the attacks when giving your opinion on what someone should do, remember at the end of the day it aint your friggen car just 1 of are more common repetitive boring arguments i see around the place and remember this is the damn net no tone of voice someone could easily be joking and comments sometimes may get accidently taken seriously lighten up and pass the peace pipe. dan midnight dribbles carry on
  11. spotted 2 r33's rolling together in town just now and earlier today "ILL:WIN" plates on a commo p plater. o man thats just too easy so open to comments but i think im gonna go with loser fly bys dont count. nothing like a cocky license plate jus asking to be shut down
  12. just had wheel alingment done, dont think they did it when i got my new tyres car feels a lot straighter now although i think the lower camber setting they put has left me with a lil understeer yeah apparently its not perfect as yet untill i get some adjustable radius rods any one know where i can get some for my gtr? apparently 1 wheel is more infront of the other and these should be able to fix that are they simmilar to inanimate carbon rods? and cronic hence the invoice i didnt do the work crazy fool im a accountant nerd as if i would get my hands that dirty geez what u think this is. good thing he let me drive it off the lift
  13. take that scandy 3 instead of z sounds like 200g kinda appealing to me someone comment it i have god5ila plates the 5 is more appealing than 3 because its a higher number
  14. im just playing man we all loved cubes………. in a completely heterosexual way come on kids group hug
  15. rather not display them wtf you just printed exactly what they say
  16. ^^ the bear does not like ronald i can relate
  17. cubes bought a whole 3rd dimension to the sa sau section now where stuck with this 1 dimensional sled character jeez a picture to demonstrate these dimensions for the ill informed [ and finished cubes i take it he didnt have much time for it as he was hardly posting on here as of late. a new reign of terror shall now commence this post almost became educational
  18. cause uve arrived i blame all on you sir
  19. it wind up like ns.com with those sort of mods
  20. attention new mods unfortunately it seems i was overlooked for the position so i feel this wasteland is a suitable place for me to put forward new ideas for an improved sau im proposing a new club philosphy and policy being; "business up front party at the rear"
  21. are new mod laughed there for it is acceptable continue the onslaught
  22. www.marsbar.com where they accept you different special people
  23. there is no 2nd place brown noser award, what will we do without cubes were doomed doomed i tells you time to in all seriousness who's the official r32 mod now? hello equal distribution of power plz
  24. when was the election i didnt even get to post vote Dan threads etc
  25. yeah he was looking like a bit of a poser down there also spotted 2 white r34s near the 24hr petrol station macca's on main north rd at the lights next to each other, 1 minus wing minus mayo
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