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Inline 6

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Everything posted by Inline 6

  1. electric blue r32 gts down glenelg with white interior looked pretty good aside from the need of some paint on that bonnet
  2. im saying they usually find something stupid to bring ya back for a 2nd trip anyway and you end up fixing stuff that dont need fixing etc which can be a pain in the ass running around with permits if you dont have registration. while it is ideal to get through the 1st time its often not the case cause they find something stupid like o theres a lil crack here on this plastic, and going nutz making every single stupid thing stock again that didnt need to be can be painful when its not needed. also if you correct what the original defect was for youll get yaself like 48 hrs to drive it from the the time you go in so you do get to enjoy it for a bit anyway. i did 500k's in that time you go in get a list of shit to do and thats all you gota do for the 2nd trip they hardly look at the car. and you'd be surprised some of the thing they dont check the 1st time such as seat belts wtf 1 of the most important safty parts on the car
  3. i know every bit counts but who put the 20cents in
  4. is going through a second time really that bad? they usually make you go twice anyway to make that extra buck. they always find something stupid over looked like a small grease stain or something like that
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zieoxIOJEc8 lucky he wasnt hurt crazy mofo
  6. no cat is a big fine if they find you dont have 1. but your not a mechanic and shouldnt be expected to know if it has 1 or not would be my defence if they wanted to play that game. whats ok and not depends on weather and if its that time of the month coilovers wont pass 1 of their fav things to look for.
  7. as all charity cruises need, god damn those kids donating to charity they are the scum of the earth and have no consideration for others
  8. spotted hoon doing 200 in what is a 50k side street under normal conditions however it was also a school zone with kids skating on the side of the road(was prob going to fast to see these small children) he was also overtaking though this section around a blind corner (next time you wanna add a lil drift just to top it off). didnt get the plate unfortunately but he was driving a white brand new commo with racing cheq's on the side and big red and blue neons on the roof switched to the off position along with the siren. anyone seen this car around before? who needs to follow traffic rules when you got a badge that says im above the law
  9. spotted red 33 with sau sticker on rear quarter window rolling past the skate park twice in salisbury gheto while i was playing b ball
  10. ^ dont be too confident ive heard horror storys of workshops getting cars stolen
  11. spotted the ferrari tr tuffness
  12. seems not all jolly tonight pulled up at the lights next to a commo and sitting waiting for the green window drops and begins comments of pretty slick im like yeah thanks, then its followed by you get that from japan im like ah, then begins crazy bogan attack of abuse with two mofo's jumping in each others laps to yell out the window that wasnt completely down. so much crap was getting yelled they were inturupting each other with it. gave them the lil stunned by rude attitude on xmas but hey what else you expect from bogans note: i had the xmas hat on but anyways merry xmas all hope ya had a good day
  13. ^ insides of the tyres seem to wear faster than the outside usually, maybe he just trying to get value for money out of em use the whole tread pattern
  14. i dont know why you sold it drift and nice shouldnt go together, nice plus drift = 1 lil f up and no longer nice
  15. i plan on being rich in time i just might
  16. i knew someone that bought n sold so many cars he was on the limit of having to register as a buisness to continue. not sure how many it is maybe like 4 5 a year.
  17. u might wanna try and post about that in the maintenance section if you havnt already as there aint many 34 gtr owners in sa
  18. you getting some penelty rates though? think of the loot man $ the most rewarding part is when they give me my money
  19. sapphire u forgot to say "and a partridge in a pear tree"
  20. ^ true that i was thinking onlong the lines of the pic was saying in a joke form as if you trust a stranger with your kids. thats how i took it anyway
  21. moving on just got back from skating at the beach were i had a tennis ball chucked at me by some random bogan football team your extremely tuff in numbers. merry xmas to you guys 2 i have no doubt a rollerbladers are gay comment was made so its time for some hypothisis footballers are gay hypothisis 1 he threw like a girl and couldnt make the 30m distance 2 they wear shorts shorter than cheerleaders ok maybe theres a extra millimetre there 3 they describe themselves as being the tuffest around yet when i look up best afl fight i get a bunch of men huggin and trying to pull each others clothes more than punch - again seem to only be tuff in numbers to impress gay friends ice hockey anyone? or try mike v http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhRlMYRu0fw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NOt8q3mKh4 alternatively mike v a good one to call a skatee fag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NOt8q3mKh4 4 and finally we at the beach with girls around and the only thing they can think of is trying to get guys passing by attention hmmmmm 5 suprisingly the entire team suprisingly drove falcodores nuff said ive had my fun and done venting appoligies to any footballers on here who are not so gay they not all assholes just a fair few of em merry xmas
  22. damo is all of the above sled let us know when i can come grab that stuff of you.
  23. bin those damn light covers at the front though muirsky, ive got the cash and o so tempting (went thru this and gtr won last time) however im going investing and the shed only got room for 1 gtr
  24. dude must play alot of buck hunter what camels n donkeys are you expecting to find? or that code for im taking some missing persons off the map.
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