Okay guys, i am a person that like my Music, this car has been tested by Boston and both Alpine, they still cant work out why my car started a fire both TIMES! yeah not once twice.
Okay so i am only going to bother listing the bass side of it because thats where the problem is.
First time around i ran 2 Alpine R's with 2 PG mono blocks 15.0:01 they are 1500wrms each. this lasted like 2 years so i was happy but then only 2 weeks ago the coils heated up that much that it set fire to my boot, i put the fire out without damaging my amps or my boot thank god because i was at a stop when it happened.
Alpine said that a massive amount of Dc was sent to the coils of each R and they acted as a heater and melted. And the only way this could have happend if it touched metal or i earthed it out on somthing.
Alpine would not warranty anything because they were not there at the time to be able to know if i was the one that caused this to happen.
This setup is coverd by perspex and all wires are covered in a heat proof silicone so there was no false
I pulled apart my system as it needed to be redone after the fire, but first i tested both of these amp's in diffrent cars of my own and ran them for 2 weeks with earthquake sub's nothing melted or burnout.
Cheer's Alpine so i told them to shove it went out and got myself some G2 12inch bostons, installed it into my R33 and what ya know next day they stopped working, i pulled them apart, the fuses in the back of the bostons melted to the back of the magnet, the metal was untouchable for about 3 hours, they were not turned up above 1/4 because i was letting them ware in be4 i gave them a belting i normally do this for 20 hours running time and slowly turn them up.
So i rang boston, they told me its either my apm's or my car's alternator, i tested these amps in another car for 2 weeks nothing, as for my alternator i had it tested and ran a smooth 13 volt's so there was no issue there, they said it may be intermittent, so i set up a cam corder to my volt meter so i didnt have to sit there =D let my car run for a total of 8 hours then just fast forwared the video there was no change to warrent the alternator being the problem.
ANY IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????