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Everything posted by MBS206

  1. Dave, to the GTR, no, to his wifes mx5...
  2. Guys, of course speed is a factor in crashes, FFS, two stationary objects can not collide. It's physically IMPOSSIBLE!
  3. Even more driver training! I'm pretty sure people go off and drag shit back onto the real road, and it also happens in racing.
  4. Rain teaches you how to drive and handle your car properly.
  5. Your thumb. It's what I use in Motorkhanas etc, never had an issue.
  6. If you want a cage, speak to RISKIN on these forums. You'll find him in the motor sport section. You won't find many people who can build em better.
  7. I vote that it goes to WSID too!
  8. You know... You have to have it before you can lose it right?
  9. It would have been done most likely before the dealer got it. The RTA are meant to have it on file.
  10. Then he won't need the cert. You need to get a copy of the engineering certificate from the RTA, get the defect cleared, and carry the cert with you in the car.
  11. Do a cool little test, call the RTA tech, get the answer, hang up, call them back, ask them the same thing. Do this 5 times... You'll find you have 5 different answers. If there was an engineers cert listed it should have the number on the rego papers. I know mine used to on the R33, and on the Supra. If they're not listed, then the RTA won't have any clue of an engineers cert. If it does already have one listed, then ask the RTA for it, as it's still valid.
  12. No it's not, vsi 06 spells out that you DON'T need an engineers cert for those mods. If it gets to court, they produce that document you end up walking out with court costs to pay and no further then you are now
  13. You're reading an example. Try reading under the part where it actually explains what you can / can't do and what you need to do. The RTA can not legally force you to retain "STOCK" parts as depicted from Nissan, you have to be able to go outside and use replacement parts, you're also allowed to modify your car. If you want, go dig up the actual ADRs and Emmision regulations. You will find you really don't have much of a leg to stand on. So long as when that cat is new, it passes emmisions and the same with the exhaust, you can't go them for the exhaust, and the POD is in an enclosed box. This is what the ADRs dictate. Before you can get any damages paid to you, you will need to PROVE that the exhaust and cat (When new) don't pass emmisions. Remember, cat convertors are a consumable item, and are meant to be changed roughly every 60 000KM.
  14. Actually yes, many times over, and with an engineer before. And I quote: Normal engine reconditioning within manufacturers limits is permitted; Modifications must not affect compliance with any emission or noise related ADRs; All emission control equipment must be retained and functional; It does NOT state standard. Before being able to make them pay for shit, you will have to prove it doesn't meet these standards when these items are new and in a functional condition. And I'd say they're legal as long as they're put on correctly, I ran a high flow cat, and a 3" exhaust, it met both gas and noise emmisions, and was therefore owner certifiable.
  15. The route: I'll have printed maps on the day for people, but the basics, from Church Point Reserve, along McCarrs Creek Road to the southern entrance to Akuna Bay, around Akuna Bay, and up West Head Road stopping at the Look Out.
  16. The only issue is, they will just hand straight back to you VSI06. All of the modifications that you listed on your car are "Owner Certifiable" meaning they don't need an engineers certificate.
  17. All that work on the conversion, and it has squeeky windscreen wipers...
  18. Religion and Politics should be kept separate at all costs. Logic should be the determining factor. Remember it's the Christians trying to cripple our internet infrastructure by restricting what we can and can't access on the internet.
  19. Hey John, just pretend we're in your LAC if you're working... Just no defect handing out okay?
  20. To bed in brakes properly, is a few good hard brake stops. After that they're classed as bedded in.
  21. Stu, I didn't quite think it was a drift event... Awesome work catching that slide up around the back! I always thought once those things hung the tail say good bye as they have f**k all steering lock!
  22. I'm gunna say, it's another ploy. But if they do get in, I would love them if they do stop the speed limits being lowered... Although, I always thought the RTA (Who we don't vote in) were the ones controlling the speed limit. (Yes, they're a government agency, but they hold a lot of power over the roads)
  23. What TCS ON? Do they log that feature? Because I've seen HWP in Wollongong bag the absolute shit out of the tyres in doing U-Turns to chase people... As to offences, only two, one was a "15 - 30 over" violation, of which mr HWP was a tad annoyed as he didn't know my actual speed, and a very long discussion... Supposedly they put notes on the system that I was "street racing" with out another car around... That was 3 years ago in May. Then I had Christmas period 2009/2010, got pinned 26km/h over in Double Ds... I missed the 80 sign cause I was talking to two mates about the fact we weren't in any rush and we weren't to go speeding... I even saw the copper and didn't think twice about it! *Sigh*. Both stupid fault of mine. Also, never realised you guys got to just go "I'm going out to drive up and down these streets, then I might sit here with the radar, oh hey, RBT time" I actually thought you guys were scheduled in for that stuff? Like told at the start of your shift, you need to be on radar here, then go here and do this etc etc etc? As to fitness... LOL, well, I walk from my current job down the stairs, and to the warehouse and back up, literally a 20 metre walk tops...I'm puffed LOL. But this week marks the start of my "I'm over this shit!" and it's back to Gym. I used to be able to run pretty quick for a KM, so a nice jog over 6KM with a touch more training would have been doable. Terry: Are you talking the metaphorical "Wall" of pain, or an actual wall they had to climb? Your posts suggests both to me.
  24. It's only know fun cause you don't get to unleash every pony as often as possible with sirens blaring... f**k knows I'd take every chance to do 180 flick spins and give chase! RB25... Any chance of somehow getting a single shift with you to "see how it is" and give me more inspiration to join? There's 3 reasons I haven't applied, firstly license record, just before I went to apply, got pinged, by the time i Spey 12 months being good, I'm unfit anniversary weight... Plus a colour deficiency...
  25. UH OH! Here we go again! We know everyone loves a good cruise, with some great company, so, we're going on one again. This time, we're heading off from the north of Sydney, from a nice ocean view, heading slightly inland, through some nice twisty country roads, to finish up out at a nice lookout overlooking the water once again. Ok so here's the details; Date: March 19th, 2011 Meet at: Church Point Reserve (PittWater Road) (Click it for map) Who: Anyone with any car (doesnt have to be a Skyline) What time should I get there: 1:30PM for a 2:00PM departure. How Much: Each Car will have to pay $11 to enter the park, and then fuel, that's it. The route: I'll have printed maps on the day for people, but the basics, from Church Point Reserve, along McCarrs Creek Road to the southern entrance to Akuna Bay, around Akuna Bay, and up West Head Road stopping at the Look Out. Duration: Expected Cruise time will be an hour to the lookout. On this cruise we will ALL be sticking to the speed limit. There will be NO DRIFTING. NO BURNOUTS NOTHING ILLEGAL! We will be the most courteous users on the road, and we will not be doing ANYTHING to cause any disrepute for the club. As with all SAU:NSW events, this cruise will run under a CAMS permit. This will be another fun day, with the only cost a bit of fuel, and what ever you decide to eat and drink along the way in your car.
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