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Everything posted by MBS206

  1. So, awesome day, some great roads, great cars and good company. So post pics and stuff? Oh and you know you want to be on the next one...
  2. One of the reasons pro circuit guys give a "faith test" to the brakes on the main straight of most circuits. Firstly, incase they need extra fluid up, secondly in case they have failed, they can get off the gas.
  3. There are no speed bumps on the way on this cruise.
  4. Last two HWP I saw were on the Hume highway both doing Radar Duty. One was parked on the flat, not hidden. Second was parked up on the hill so it was raised up for a better view (Alright, so the copper was a smart ass and parked a green car on green grass, but in perfect view) Both coppers clearly visible... But then to compensate we get the ones who hide behind the colour bond fences out near my dads.
  5. Planning to take the Kangaroo Vally Road route, it's a wonderful road, but people will need to remember to not get too close on ANY of these roads. While they're great roads, if you don't respect them, they will take every oppurtunity to kill you. GUYS PLEASE BRING UHF RADIOS
  6. Get to that roundabout and you'll spot us parked on the side of the road.
  7. Owen is planning to meet there at 8AM, and then head up to the original start point to do the whole cruise.
  8. Oi, I has a canon! Made my car sound awesome... Mind you it was f**king huge bodied, built quite right, and ran 3"in, and 3" out...
  9. John.
  10. Dood, people in an old retirement home can tell you what a new commodore is. A friend of mine when questioned "What do you think of my car" by another friend, responded with "It's white" because she knows nothing on cars, knows what a new commodore and ford is. Those that speed, slow down for them. Go Hire a brand new Commodore or Ford, take it for a drive on the freeway, see how many people slow down as they approach you, draw level, look over, and then speed off again when they realise it's not a police car. Also, do you know how I know "100% of people that drive at least look at there speedo and slow down if they have creeped over the limit when they see a police car" is a crock of shit? Because so many people get caught speeding.
  11. Looks like a pic from something high up... Maybe Google maps photo?
  12. It seems the idea of under cover police cars is working perfectly... You never know if its a police car or not... They've managed to turn every SS/HSV/Typhoon/XR6/8 into a police car in peoples eyes... Good job NSW Police! I approve!
  13. That's why it's on a Saturday not a sunday! Gives you time to rest and recover. If you've never done these roads, I urge you to reconsider, these are probably in the top 10 public roads you can find in NSW.
  14. It could be Liz's paint... LOL That's the beauty of it Prue, you don't. Even just seeing a long line of cars in all their glory ducking and weaving through corners. Some people bring UHF radios and keep some friendly banter happening the whole way, and everytime you stop, it's just laughter that you can hear... And the occasional "OMG! I LOVE THAT ROAD!" You do see though, the partner that has been dragged along who doesn't like cars usually sitting in the passenger seat annoyed and bored... But if you like cars, like being in and around them, then you need to try a decent cruise with a bunch of friends.
  15. We have no E85, and it is a fuel thirsty route up through Mac pass and kangaroo valley with lots of tight up hill turns in 1st an 2nd gear, you will burn alot. Highly advise taking Jerry cans if on e85
  16. The march cruise that is planned and will be posted next Saturday night after this one is a shorter, but just as enjoyable northern side of Sydney cruise. Our members also have a regular cruise up the coast, if you join up to sau:nsw club you'll see the extra stuff
  17. In any car I'm driving, I'll drop a gear BEFORE the hill to put the revs in a nice meaty part of the torque. I don't let my engines sit and labour, that's not good for other things... High load, low RPM is a detonation prone point, as well as a fuel thirsty if you're climbing hills... But to be honest, a stock R33 has 150 odd RWKW on tap... It doesn't take that much power to climb a steep hill that is on the freeway. 4.5KG flywheel and I still managed to head up and down the Hume highway Wollongong - Goulburn without needing to drop gears... And they've got some decently steep hills... Maybe if you're driving your mums 1980 model civic and encounter a hill, you'll want the heavier flywheel... In something that can punch enough torque... Well you're kidding yourself really that the light weight flywheel f**ked your ability to go up hills easily. On the topic of harmonics... HOW can it dampen harmonics? It's a solid plate of steel... Notice how anything that is a DAMPENER has a way to sustain and miniise shock waves? IE, rubber, or a fluid... Say like, in a harmonic balancer?
  18. Personally, buy brand new flywheel bolts and clutch pressure plate bolts from Nissan. Don't reuse them.
  19. The car doesn't need to be standard, it just needs to be road worthy and legal.
  20. You did say they were both trying to race... It's all good man, not having a dig at you, trying to point out to those in here who might have read that as the coppers trying to get you both to race... XKLABA, I'm not sure about you, but most people I know when driving along, when they see a new Holden or Ford commodore, they head straight back to the speed limit. Why? Because we have so many unmarked cars around my area. So basically, what has happened, instead of everyone slowing when they see the police car, they're slowing for every car that "could" be a police car. So now, by using an unmarked car, you've affectively turned every new model Holden Commodore and Ford Falcon into a speed deterrent... And you know what, they've had to spend no money doing it... Their whole idea of "Any where, any time" is true, and that idea, is what is slowing more and more people down. Oh, as to the 30 points thing, I'm not sure if you understand the points, but basically every offence in the actual law, has a points rating (NOT DEMERIT POINTS), most offences are 6 points... That means in a 12 hour shift, they need to book 5 people... Ever driven on the freeway for one hour, smack on the speed limit and seen how many people speed past? I'd usually have 2 - 3 HIGHSPEED speeders go past (Talking 130 - 140+ KM/H) yet alone those sitting on 120 in a 100 zone...
  21. Yes, berry is the Final destination, you can then choose to head home or stay and talk. If you were headed for Canberra, I'd probably suggest you skip the turn into Kangaroo Valley, keep heading straight until you hit a roundabout a bit up the road, turn left and just follow it, and it will put you on the Hume Highway not too far north of Marulan DTC.
  22. The engine bay and wiring was already being prepared for a 6.0L ;) Unfortunately, dollars are winning... unless you find me a 5.7L manual wreck for cheap and we'll get Sean to swap that in instead... I would much prefer the 6.0L though... So keep an eye out for those too... (Yes, I'm deadly serious)
  23. If you're trying to get excess oil from the head to the sump, you need a drain on the exhaust side from the head, down to the sump. If you're trying to lower the crank pressure in respect to the head to also help drainage, you run one on the inlet side of the motor. It all has to do with the way the crank is spinning. Do you still have the front oil drain on the passenger side connected, and not blocked?
  24. IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN!!! We're taking off once more on a nice casual cruise, this time on a Saturday. For those that came on the last southern cruise, and especially those that were all "OH MY GOD! I LOVED IT!" well, you better be here again, because this one is going to be even bigger and better. This cruise is going to have a bit of everything, for everyone, there'll be some nice country side roads, there'll be some twisties, and even a bit of the ol' freeway. This really is going to be one of those cruises you don't want to miss... I bet you've heard someone tell you how good the Royal National Park is, I'm putting money on the fact you would love to have a crack at Macquarie Pass, some of you may have even done these two roads before, but have you ever put your car across the Kangaroo Valley? Because on the 26th of February, we're doing all three! This is the type of cruise, that you WILL need a full tank of fuel. There will be a fuel stop as well after the first 1/3rd of the cruise. We'll also be stopping at the 2/3rds mark some pies, as tradition dictates when you go up Macquarie Pass, at the Robertson Pie Shop Ok so here's the details; Date: February 26th, 2011 Meet at: Waratah St, in the parking spaces near the corner of Bath Road. Who: Anyone with any car (doesnt have to be a Skyline) What time should I get there: 9am for a 9:30AM departure. How Much: Fuel and food money, that's it. The route: I'll have printed maps on the day for people, but the basics, from Kirrawee, down through the Royal National Park, through Lawrence Hargrave Drive, up Bulli Pass, down the F6, stopping at Shell in Albion Park. Up Macquarie Pass stopping at the Robertson Pie Shop. Through the Kangaroo Valley to stop in Berry at the local pub for some chit chat/food. On this cruise we will ALL be sticking to the speed limit. There will be NO DRIFTING. NO BURNOUTS NOTHING ILLEGAL! We will be the most courteous users on the road, and we will not be doing ANYTHING to cause any disrepute for the club. As with all SAU:NSW events, this cruise will run under a CAMS permit. This will be another fun day, with the only cost a bit of fuel, and what ever you decide to eat and drink.
  25. 340RWKW... No bottom end mods... I'd avoid it. Probably due for a $10K rebuild...
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