It has started! To pull the engine out, I just need to get my mate to give me a hand one night this week as well as: Under the tail shaft, and undo the gearbox cross member.
The spare motor is stripped down to a short block, I need to get some bolts to put it on the engine stand, and strip it down to nothing and send it off to be X-Rayed and machined.
Then to buy some parts to bolt it all back together!
Before it goes back in though, I WILL be cleaning every bit of the engine bay, and even doing some repainting. As you can see, I've already started, for anyone who's looked where my air filter normally goes, the chassis rail that runs beside it is normally black from grease and oil... I spent around an hour and a half stripping out those little clips that no longer hold anything, and deciding how I'm going to re-route a heap of cables through the guard to tidy stuff up!
It's beginning!
I also need to keep an eye out for a good condition front reo bar. When someone owned it before me, they appear to have had a minor bump in the front passenger side and put a minor dent in it, of which I'm not happy with! (I'm becoming a perfectionist with this car now...)