No, I know 2 coppers (One is living across the road, and funnily enough, his father and his uncle in law are both coppers too, but I don't talk to them) another is a best mates step brother. The other is retired for 10 odd years...
And funnily enough, they all actually say the same thing, they couldn't be assed going to court, as 9 out of 10 of the cases they do end up in court over, end up being settled 10 minutes before the hearing starts... After they've sat for 8 out of 12 hours of their shift in the court room.
Also, the in car video, it doesn't HAVE to pick you up. There is no RULES that it has to show everything. It is there as extra evidence if they want to use it. They don't have to.
As Anna said earlier, go and sit through a few of these court hearings.
You'll find one HUGE thing, all of the information on the LIDAR and how to use it etc, is a guideline. It is not a law, an act or any other regulation, therefore, no matter how many guidelines they broke, you're still not going to be able to use it as a technicality.
Edit: When you get to the point of being bent over by the law, or at the least, still having to deal with exactly what you have now, plus court costs etc, I will be there laughing...