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Everything posted by MBS206

  1. She still single? Hook a brother up?
  2. I'm so not a clown person... and for some reason that sends shivers down my spine (And page one kills my PC damn you Sammeh!) But the clown must stay... And doof, they're your missus' tits aren't they? If I had a missus with tits like that and I could use them as an avatar I would...
  3. I must have missed that last social dinner. Although, I hitted it up for the Texi Pre Drinks which was a really fun night. I'd be up for something like once a month/2 months/3 months, but getting right up to north sydney on a weeknight (Unless Friday) is a big no no for me.
  4. Actually, I've been meaning to ask, what ever happened to the monthly dinners?
  5. Well on 4 of my blocks (2 x RB25, 2x RB30) it was a matter of on the 25s, just completely unbolt the heat exchanger off the block, and screw the oil filter direct onto the block. When I head down to my mums house next I'll try get some photos of the RB25 block that's down there stripped. It screws straight on for me, on 4 blocks. From memory it's 4 12mm bolts that hold the oil cooler on, take it off, and my oil filter screwed straight to the block.
  6. Not changing at all, there experiences range from assault, to rape, to road incidents. Most cases that actually go to court for road stuff are more your neg driving charges, of which it isn't State VS Person, it ends up being State and Person VS Person. And they're normally because they plead guilty and take some form of offer. MORON. You have the offer in front of you. Take it or try fight it. As to personal attacks. I didn't start it. You started claiming how it must be all bullshit. PS: Been in your shoes, I got out of it in a very lucky manner before the fine became that high... I know what it feels like... (Oh, and that was my first and only ticket too, apart from a single defect notice) Edit: And just so you know Wacky, even if you do have the whole fine dismissed, the court can't over rule the points that are recorded on your licence.
  7. My loves... Track Days Texi Cruise and BBQs... Cruise and BBQs for cheapness, texi for cheap thrashing fun, track days cause they're just ZOMG!
  8. Actually, you just unbolt it, and screw your oil filter on to the block... Yes, I'm deadly serious.
  9. You mean a hydraulic one yeah Dunc? Not a scissor one?
  10. Power steering disconnected is still heavier and mroe direct then pump connect and speed sensitive powersteering deactivated...
  11. No, I know 2 coppers (One is living across the road, and funnily enough, his father and his uncle in law are both coppers too, but I don't talk to them) another is a best mates step brother. The other is retired for 10 odd years... And funnily enough, they all actually say the same thing, they couldn't be assed going to court, as 9 out of 10 of the cases they do end up in court over, end up being settled 10 minutes before the hearing starts... After they've sat for 8 out of 12 hours of their shift in the court room. Also, the in car video, it doesn't HAVE to pick you up. There is no RULES that it has to show everything. It is there as extra evidence if they want to use it. They don't have to. As Anna said earlier, go and sit through a few of these court hearings. You'll find one HUGE thing, all of the information on the LIDAR and how to use it etc, is a guideline. It is not a law, an act or any other regulation, therefore, no matter how many guidelines they broke, you're still not going to be able to use it as a technicality. Edit: When you get to the point of being bent over by the law, or at the least, still having to deal with exactly what you have now, plus court costs etc, I will be there laughing...
  12. So far, I'm running the factory RB30E pump on mine... I'm having issues with too much oil up top... Have to redo the oil pressure guage, so can't tell you about it, but I know on the track I've got plenty of oil up top.
  13. GT40 will be way too big... The GT30 series on the RB30DET setup is spooling generally between 3 and 4 K... GT40 is way bigger!
  14. Hey Anna, if you keep cleaning that garage and find a spare forward facing plenum for a 25, or a GT3040/GT3540 sized turbo (And exhaust mani to suit) lemme know... Oh, and any suspension gear too...
  15. You bought the wrong sort of car then...
  16. My head gasket cost me $110. My last exhaust gasket cost me $60... Don't know who you pissed off at Nissan, but they don't seem to like you and reflect it in price... Also, mine have to get shipped out of Melbourne at that price too...
  17. Normal track/driver training days just require a drivers licence. Take Aaron Mcgills day... $200, no more hidden costs, and a lunch thrown in... And the amount of track time you get is insane!
  18. I bought the Sard 880s from Slide. They came with everything needed and bolted straight in. No issues at all.
  19. Take the power steering belt off when on the track and be a man... You'll get feed back and direct input...
  20. Hey Eric, What are your cameras, and where did you get them from?
  21. You have blow by, yes... Your cams won't cause it is what Trent is saying.
  22. Way too much effort... Check the deck on the block is flat... do the head mods, check head is flat... Bolt the two together...
  23. Go buy a genuine nissan exhaust gasket. Much better, and it's all as one piece with those "little" bits attached. And they're not expensive either.
  24. That video is awesome man! Good work! I love the part where you made it all as if it was hand drawn! Need to get me some of those cameras now! And Anthony, at least you were in a Liner... Unlike my Jazz that everytime it was abuot to enter shot Eric goes to another take...
  25. Anna! JUST f**kING DO IT!
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