First actual TRACK day (Excludign skid pan etc)
Was OP GP mid this year with SAU.
Prep: Make the car run... It got it's final tune finish at midnight the night before.
Favourite memories... Just a few...
Having Brad (RISKIN) in the car and go, "Lets move to the opposite side of the track ready for the next corner" so I squeeze the throttle in 3rd, use a bit of tail slide and we're on the opposite side of the track, only steering input was oppy lock... Brad and I just laughing...
Also, the amount of sideways I was getting coming off the bridge... Massive amounts of torque + Stock suspension = tail happy when lifting off throttle...
Another fun memory was Brad yelling at me to over take the V8 Brute ute who was guiding us around... We were doign 130KM/H when I pinned it in 3rd and just had to catch the ass end from sliding, and wheel spun past the Ute...
Things I learnt: Street tyres... With that much power... not FUN!
Semis on the front, streets on the rear, a much nicer car to drive...
I also learnt my motor was still a heap of shit even after the work that got done to it, and I smashed a big end bearing apart (My car is cursed, it can't go ANYWHERE, with out a catastrophic failure)
My new motor that has been built for it, is built in the hope of throwing a rod at this OP Day...