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Everything posted by MBS206

  1. Normal. But: Why only a 2.5" dump pipe then a 3" system? You've just strangled the whole exhaust at the dump pipe...
  2. If you're running a POD, it could have a film of oil on the AFM. Try taking the AFM out and spraying the thin wire thoroughly with CO contact cleaner.
  3. Put a catch can on, and plumb it all in properly. This is what they're for!
  4. Get a catch can on it. My RB25/30 was dumping alot of oil out the breathers on back off on the dyno... Also found it severly breathing oil on the track though too...
  5. *Sending in entry form now*
  6. I'm glad you've finally learnt when I'm having a dig at you... LOL
  7. But your car would so fast with the NOS and the big rims, and body kit and those awesome Vinyls! Oh, but you've got dodgy knock sensors hey? Tehehehehe...
  8. Bah! You should know by now, I'll still be there skyline or not! I've been to every official SAU Event since OP GP! As Nick said, he's seen the Jazz more times then my Skyline...
  9. Soaking it in water is a BAD thing to do... Heat wrap will trap moisture and rust the pipes...
  10. I never have an issue... If it's a nice V8 or other car beside me I give the appreciation nod and we both just cruise off... Last guy who went to plant it stopped as soon as it started to spool and then fluttered massively from 2nd to 3rd... He looked over with a "I would have bitten off more then I can chew" But other then that... I only really got it from people I actually egged on, half the people who tear off at lights AREN'T trying to race you... I take off quck all the time in the work Jazz... I'm just driving normally
  11. *Watches Cassbo fit factory front bar again*
  12. Why haven't I? That's a $100 dollar day in fuel alone for me...
  13. Probably to go go karting in hey... Or maybe they're poor avid golfers?
  14. Why won't a socket work for the HICAS bar? Is the 30mm spanner for taking out the steer arms?
  15. LOL, if the crim never had finger prints or DNA on the system, (And he would have had to have already had a prior) then they have NO WAY of catching anyone. As Cassbo said, they have your number plate, they have you caught in the act.. If coppers could walk on into houses as they were being robbed, I'm sure more arrests would be made, The detectives and Crime Scene coppers HATE shows like CSI and what not, as they're so damn full of shit in the way people are "caught"
  16. PS: As Owen said, join SAU NSW!

  17. Owen stop hitting on Sam... :P

  18. Also, I'd do the oil filter relocator from up top... Once the inlet mani is off (It's coming off anyway) much easier access, plus the cross member and steering rack and engine mounts are in the way from underneath... And I'd love to see the hicas done from above...
  19. A hoist makes it a million times easier... But it's all doable on well positioned car stands. (Well positioned so the bastard doesn't fall off!)
  20. NSW>Victoria... I'm going on word of mouth from coppers I know.
  21. Did someone say hookers and coke?
  22. Doof: Let me put it this way... I'm an office worker... Yet I've done gearbox CONVERSIONS (Auto to manual) And a couple of engine swaps now... I can rip my turbo and exhaust manifold off in under 60 minutes, and give me another 60 and I have it all back on and bolted up tight ready to go. Inlet manifolds are piss easy too, as are cams, and timings belts. Cam gears are just as easy. Piss off the fuel pressure regulator, the factory one will handle it so long as you're keeping the factory rail (It removes one more headache!) As long as you read the workshop manual for installing things like the timing belt, exhaust mani, inlet mani, and cams, (Tightening patterns etc) then you won't have a single problem. Everything you have there is direct fit shit. Quick adjust ment on the ECU to get it starting, and head to the tuner... Really, for a slow worker, and some head f**ks, that's a 2 weekend job... (4 days) I would advise, go and buy all new tensioners, idlers and bolts for the timing belt, as well as the bolts that hold the cam caps down, and the exhaust manifold studs, you want the shortened ones. Also, I have a timing light you are more then welcome to borrow. (Hey, I'll come and spin some spanners with you too if you want!) But seriously, do it yourself! Oh, and my experience on the liner ranges from: Radiator changes, to timing belt changes, to changing heads, to swapping manifolds (inlet and exhaust) to swapping whole motors... I know my way around an R33 engine bay backwards... In fact... i've spent about 10 times more time in my engine bay then driving the car lately (I just keep changing shit of late)
  23. Actually, that's wrong. They can estimate it, they can pull you over for it, if they book you for it, and it goes to court, these fines get thrown out, UNLESS the copper gets you to say how fast you were going... And they book you on that... This is why coppers so often ask you "Do you know how fast you were going back there?" or other such tricks to get you to say a speed above the speed limit... And their estimations are often way wrong... That ones from personal experience... And not one I'm going to share.
  24. She still single? Hook a brother up?
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