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Everything posted by MBS206

  1. About to take the ute out, see if the 20s scrub... If they do, it's going to be a late night swapping tyres off the VT But extinguisher is mounted... A trip to bunnings, to my step dads, and teck screwed to the trans tunnel. DONE! Couldn't mount it where I wanted.
  2. That was sarcasm There's actually not much I can even cable tie it too! Thinking I'll put it behind the passenger seat, on the back wall, there's a little step out I can screw into.
  3. How are your fuel lines...
  4. What we cant mount using cable ties now?! That would make putting it in the ute easier!
  5. We need a fully enclosed car trailer... Chubbs why dont you own one?!
  6. and even if its tied down, expect it to be broken in half unless its a super good strong one!Alloy ones break so bad in the wind!
  7. Two more sleeps!!! Woooo!!! I'm getting excited!!!
  8. 2011 was last one I did. Last car I've drifted was a 3T landcruiser on wet clay... Lol
  9. fast with style has always been my aim.I have plenty of evidence that I cross that line too much though and just end up in chaos, ha ha! Last texi u did though was in a VN commo, and surprisingly it went pretty well. Hopefully the brutes a little quicker... Lol
  10. Yeah but we can only use the male vegans, the female ones keep demanding more pay...
  11. Where's the first shake down at?
  12. Membership Renewal - Check AASA License - Check Registered and paid - Check Now to remember how to drive cars fast at motorkhanas... Haven't done this stuff in 5 years!!!
  13. He's allowed to make as many as he wants, for what ever reason he wants.
  14. Merican, nuff said...
  15. Poor Noddy mobile
  16. Incorrect. UVP in NSW now is fill in your own form to claim it's "worthy" give them a reason for needing it, and they'll provide you with one for up to 28 days. https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-unregistered-vehicle-permit You fill in both of these forms yourself, all that you need to be declared "safe" by the form is: Lights/Indicators Wheels and Tyres (Road suitable) Windscreens and windows intact/legal Suitable seats/seatbelts Working Brakes Working Steering Working Horn. Odd that you don't need an engine... Maybe flinstones style is allowed with a UVP. Ha ha! Point number two on those saying you need an ACT and a NSW one to drive from ACT to NSW, you do NOT. NSW accepts ALL other states, and NSW ones are accepted in ALL states except WA. It's all noted here: http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/roads/registration/unregistered.html
  17. Mythbusters proved it http://actiontyres.worldsecuresystems.com/latest-news/effect-of-tyre-pressure-on-fuel-consumption
  18. My 2 cents from replacing the front radiator support, surprisingly it is actually a highly structural piece of kit. I bought a car with the front of one bent in, like you're described. I removed the spot welds and ripped the old one out, the worst part while it was out is that the whole front of the car can and will flop around. Putting pressure up on one side would twist the whole front out of place. To me, this means if you've reduced the structural integrity of that piece, you've weakened the front end a fair bit. I've also got another R33 with JUST the radiator support cut out between the head lights and it retains a LOT more integrity as the metal behind the headlights is still in place. So really it depends on exactly where and how bad the bend is as to what I'd do personally.
  19. That epically sucks that it was stolen! As an alternative that Neil and I spitted a few years back at the Australian Hill Climb champs, a guy was using boat rollers with a bracket bent up that slipped through the floor of the trailer. It meant the strap was all above the trailer deck and easily accessible, and it merely required four holes per wheel to be drilled in the deck. This also means no climbing under or over the deck. Ie super easy to do up in the pissing down rain!
  20. I wonder if I can get someone to pay for this for me for my birthday... Then I just need to finish off the reo bar... Hmmmm...
  21. if you find it, let me know.Eiji, ill send you an sms tomorrow following your PM response (sorry only just read it!)
  22. is there anything in your race calendar at this stage other than the hill climbs?
  23. Hey Mitch, I've got a spare T56 with short shfiter and standard clutch sitting round pending what you have spare to pay? Message me if you want. Other wise, AWESOME build. I never finished mine, can no longer justify the dollars
  24. Thats so they can get you to buy this one also Duncan http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Nutserts-Nutsert-Rivnut-Tool-M3-M6-Steel-Stainless-Aluminium-PNT-110-Pop-Qty-1/330987360326?rt=nc&_soffid=200&_soffType=SaleAndClearence&_trksid=p5731.m3795
  25. Injector wiring loom? Radiator? Coil pack wiring loom for S1? I have more random stuff I will need, but I can't remember them all... LOL
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