If my requests that I made at work are met in some way, it's actually 100% possible on my own to pay off my debt, save a deposit, and pay off a house all in a 8 year window.
Please note, I'm not aiming like so many of my friends to borrow to my absolute maximum and live in the most ritsy suburb like most of the people I know, who are all up struggle street and causing endless arguments with their partners. I'm looking to do it the smart way.
Buy a house in the $350K or less bracket, with a 20% deposit.
Yes, it will take some hard yards, yes it will mean not being able to mod my cars left right and centre, but 10 years from now, I'll have a disposable income.
But then again, my goal set may drastically change. LOL, but this is the current goal I'm currently working to, and I'm already clearing my debts with a higher repayment than what it will cost me to pay off a $500 000 loan in 30 years