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Everything posted by MBS206

  1. I'd love to drive my car... I think I last drove it around April 2010...
  2. Buy a plug in Adaptronic instead. That way you can save on labour in installing it, get rid of the AFM at the same time, and they're an AWESOME ecu. http://www.adaptronic.com.au
  3. If you want a cheap go fast car once off your Ps. Buy an XR6T.
  4. A head only swap isn't cheap. Buy head, 400-500. Have head serviced and crack and presure tested 300-500 Gaskets 60-300 dependin if you buy just HG or the VRs kit. So 760 at the cheapest in parts, plus you still need to do it. Just depends on if you can actually do the spanner spinning yourself.
  5. A head change is much easier IMO to perform then a full engine swap... Had to do both a few times...
  6. Other then the fact it won't be running as efficiently as it should unless you're right up it... No... Oh, that also means it will drink fuel. Get a full standalone EMS as soon as possible!
  7. So I wasn't the only one who was sitting there going "WTF is this shit? I want my 5 minutes back!" There's even a shot where a guy is filling a car and he looks like Paul Walker! SRSly, wtf was that shit? What was so "great" about it? It took four and a bit minutes to see a shot of a car being driven (Other then to park it) and it was a car spinning in the dirt!
  8. I range from going through there between 7PM at night, and 3AM in the morning if it's a weeknight. If it's a weekend, I normally go through between 3PM and 3AM. And I actually cruise it. It's too dangerous, plus too many coppers, and if you go through at night, too many deer. If you're going through there at full tilt, please ignore my posts warning of the police, I hope your licences are revoked so I don't have to share the road with you people attempting to kill me. (And I hope this happens before a deer, tree or oncoming vehicle kills you). You guys are old enough to know better.
  9. If it's flat ground, we store our old show cars with them OUT OF GEAR and hand brake off. Leaving them in gear for too long, oil can drain off them, and surface rust can build and seize the gears the same way the handbrake seizes. We've also had on numerous occasions on the old show cars after sitting for too long, the clutch plate sticks to the flywheel, finding this out by attempting to start it and having the vehicle leap frog into something is not a nice way to find out... I'd rather find out when it just grinds the gear when attempting to put it into gear. Disconnect the battery, OR place it on trickle charge (I prefer trickle charge as it leaves all your settings on your radio alone + leaves the alarm etc all turned on) And Jarrad, I've NEVER broken anyone elses skyline. Only mine. So where do I get the keys from?
  10. Ravi... Don't pick on Maxima he's only trying to help...
  11. Cams license is perfectly fine.
  12. Leave the keys with me...
  13. Just so you guys aware, most times that I go through RNP, I pass a copper or two, and that's highway coppers too. Also spotted the motor bike highway patrol in there a few times before, hiding behind trees. Such a shame it's primarily 60KM/H through there now and no over take spots
  14. Slower being faster I've always found way more fun then just sitting in the middle of a patch of concrete with my foot held down doing skids... If anyone thinks it's not fun to run a quick time, get in the car with Reece and tell me whats more fun, doing a skid or going balls to the wall...
  15. Considering we could pull my dads VT s commodore to a stop quicker with the caravan and all shit in it weighing 1800KG then what we could my uncles 100series cruiser. Oh an that's in an emergency style braking... Second to that, if you're really going to argue all the shot you are, you should be selling your 4WD for a truck. A properly setup trailer on the back of a car will stop as quick, if not quicker then a 4WD. The electric systems we run in our cars and trucks for towing my dads trailers you can actually feel the trailer pulling up the car and truck more then the car/trucks brakes do. (just so you know, the family company runs 2 trucks towing around 3 tonne each day, plus upto 3 tonne on the back, and dad had two large caravans he towed on the back of an S commodore... He noted no difference in towing usig a 2010 hilux. He's now sold the smallest caravan...) An improperly setup one will jack knife and roll both. And isn't it funny, out of all the times I've driven the F3 freeway when people have lost car trailers and caravans, its been in the ratio of 4 4WD (patrols and cruisers not soft roaders) to every one commodore or falcon... And seeing as more people seem to toe with commodores an falcons, they must be better... ... ...
  16. Tats had metal brackets holding his in... A couple of spins dis lodged it... It then smashed the outter guards to pieces... Causing the car to be around 1 - 2 inches wider on each side... You will be surprised the G-Forces that you pull when you spin a car...
  17. If it's a private car, towing for private stuff, there are no fringe benefits... Hence no FBT to worry about... Edit: And I choose the economical tow vehicle that's comfy to sit in and a performer and pleasurable daily... Hence, that 10% saving is lots to me!
  18. Ask "Tats" what happens when you don't remove the sub...
  19. 50L extra per 1000KM done five times a year at $1.55 per litre is nearly a 10% increase in costs... And that doesn't worry you? I think by changing tow cars and getting heaps better economy and saving so much is a good thing!
  20. Did you double the value of the trailers insurance?
  21. Fatz, I'm shocked that even you let him leave using that as a tow vehicle... Even for an empty trailer only!
  22. How long till someone makes a stroker kit for it? Or forgies...
  23. I'm someone who even hates having different brands on different axles... Makes the cars wander around if there is the slightest difference in how the different tyres are made.
  24. You are bored aren't you? Do you want me to give you an LS1 to pull down, check up on and put back together? You can bump the compression a little bit if you want...
  25. That's why I said big sticky tyres AND a clutch dump... Edit: It was also someone that I'd met a few times before, I was more looking for confirmation on the time.
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