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FJ 720

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Everything posted by FJ 720

  1. yep thats it, not really for sale... Will have to sort some decent tyres and maybe put the LSD in before the texi
  2. Lol nah shitbox 31 will be rooted from 7000km of abuse by then Will be in the micra.
  3. Loses 6db with every doubling of distance, so will be <75db at 30m p.s. In!! edit: have paid, will email entry form when I can print and scan it. Should make the .pdf forms into a form so we can fill them out with adobe reader
  4. People at the khana today were saying the sutton road long track texi is on the same day as the drift day at wakefield over easter and that there is a thread for it already? If this is true can someone post a link? From what I can find its actually on 12 May and there is no thread for it yet...
  5. Pretty sure George Fury's FJ24 120y is currently for sale if you're loaded lol
  6. The fastback is the coupe. The other 2-door 120Y is a 2-door sedan, I've still got one sitting around but it's only good for scrap now. That one in mittagong sounds good, although plenty of people will advertise that they "only have 80,000km" because that's what the odometer says. Most 120Y odometers only go up to 99,999 before they click back over to zero. Good luck finding one, I'd love another but for some reason people suddenly thing they are worth a fortune...
  7. Spotted bcc-98v? Silver r33 trying to sideswipe me on the way back from soundwave. Drunk maybe?
  8. Have paid directly into account and posted membership application thismorning
  9. Also ridiculously keen for a run at sutton track if possible
  10. Anyone missing a maroon R31? There's a lowered 5speed sedan front end hit but not burnt here: -35.366463,148.95198
  11. I don't mean to start nuffing, but what sort of R34 with coilovers cant maintain 80 going straight at that roundabout? From memory its a pretty smooth open roundabout?
  12. FYI, I'm pretty sure the section of the route immediately to the left of the word 'currawang' on the map is dirt, not terrible if it has been graded recently but can get quite bad at times. The road through Lake Bathurst past Wakefield isn't bad but will make the route longer...
  13. Well done guys! I dont feel so bad now that you guys beat me by 15sec on every course lol
  14. wasnt there a panda ae86? Not sure I can think of a more JDM drift car.... edit:
  15. Cant Jim supply you with one? I just got a skyline clutch from him and he supplied all new parts...
  16. Surely the 3month expiry for an engineer's cert refers to the time from when the engineer signs off on it and when the car fronts up to the pits/has the cert number amended to rego sticker. If thats the case then fair enough I reckon. Not being able to re-register after lapsing for 3months is pretty serious though!
  17. nice pics dude Any more of the understeery datsun?
  18. I'll be at the khana now
  19. edit: got it thanks Will sell my dyno spot for half price if I enter khana.
  20. lol would have been nice to know an hour ago
  21. Just paid Skyline Owners 1. Kat 2. naughtyruski 3. sl33py 4. Donnan 5. Cejay 6. GT-R32 7. A20089 8. xanavinismo 9. FJ 720 (datsun 1600)
  22. would anyone be particularly upset if I entered without having a skyline or supra?
  23. Ed says he's only done 2 nistunes recently (my sr20 and r34), The tune is fine, didnt make the power I wanted but that was a boost control issue. Cost was almost double what I had paid previously for him to tune my autronic, but he did spend a lot longer doing it. From what I have read they are pretty straight forward to tune so as long as you have a cable and license any tuner should be able to do it...
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