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Everything posted by htial

  1. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Just spotted a blue 34 on heatherton road near the heather hill primary school. Plates were something like ASHIO. I think the driver was a chick. I was walking on the other side of the road and she did see me looking.
  2. I posted the same video to youtube ages ago... ...But mine's not squashed... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SITZGPz1a_U
  3. Monash Clayton... ...we leave in 20 minutes...
  4. Hahaha... They didn't exactly say what happened... ...But you know that the divi-van had to be washed out this morning...
  5. htial

    Sau Vic Tv...

    It was about 1am last night when I sat down and started working on them. I've never been very good at spelling. So drinking doesn't help. And it was late. I watched it back and realised that I did miss a few words, but I was also dropping out all the "umms" and "arrs". Just any text file will do. Then I'll paste it into the subtitling program that formats all the display commands and forms it into a proper Closed Captioning file that I then upload to YouTube. The program I'm using plays the video in 4 second blocks and loops them over and over until you're ready to move onto the next 4 seconds. When a word or an "umm" is cut in half it was a little hard to tell if that was the word or not. In the end it's a first attempt and I'm happy with the way it came out. Now I just have to go back and finish it off and correct the spelling and other mistakes.
  6. htial

    Sau Vic Tv...

    I've found a subtitling program that I think is simple enough for me to use and will also work with YouTube. I've added half the subtitles to the S'n'S vid so if you can check it out and let me know what you think. I'll do the rest when I've had a little sleep and haven't been drinking as much. Also. Feel free to go back and transcribe any of the older videos into a text file and then I'll add them to the vids. I'll even give you credit in there for helping out.
  7. htial

    Sau Vic Tv...

    Thanks Charles, I've got some new editing software that I'm trying out. I might be in need of your art skillz soon.
  8. htial

    Sau Vic Tv...

    Thanks Leigh...
  9. htial

    Sau Vic Tv...

    Thanks Scott...
  10. htial

    Sau Vic Tv...

    Don't forget to link to it on your Facebook pages...
  11. htial

    Sau Vic Tv...

    New episode is up... SAU Vic TV presents SAU Vic Show'n'Shine 2011... Enjoy...
  12. Damn... ...Never seen it anywhere and didn't know it was such a good camera... Turns out dads is a 600D... ...And from what I can tell looking around online there really isn't much difference between the 60D and the 600D... ...But now I know where it is I'll play around with it a little... Sorry... ...my bad... ...But there are lots of photos in here so it was natural to talk about how some people got their shots...
  13. Good to know Ash. I'll have to find it again and have a look. You know I think my dad may have picked up a 60D a few months ago. Haven't seen it. Just think he did get a new camera because he'll be going to Canada next year and he's always wanted a SLR camera. I've also been told to check out the Canon EOS C300. But I'm sure that is way out of my budget.
  14. A few months ago I was recommended a Canon 5D for filming. But was told that the audio can sometimes be a little crap in it because they've used a few different audio processors during production and it's kinda random as to which ones will have good or bad audio.
  15. It's these type of focus shots I want to try and get. The ones where the focus changes from one subject to another. Can't do that with my current camcorders.
  16. Sorry. I wasn't clear. They are both camcorders. I've been looking at getting a Depth Of Field adaptor for the Sony, I'm just not sure of what type of lens I should get.
  17. I've got focus control on both cameras, but nothing as extreme as those photos...
  18. That's why I said S'n'Ss are the best...
  19. If that's you and your girlfriend, no offence was meant dude. I was just replying to the "Caption Contest" that was posted above the photo. And these are exactly the type of events that are great to attend, and you should. Get your girlfriend to drive one and you the other. At a S'n'S there is no risk of damage like at a track day or a cruise. And there's heaps more time to talk to people and put names to faces.
  20. I love shots like these ones... ...I'm guessing it's the type of lens you use to get that "toy car" effect... ...I'd love to have a lens like that for my video camera...
  21. Getting really old and cracked up... ...and time to go nude like everyone else...
  22. You know what sucks... ...I'm now finding it harder to spot my car in the photos...
  23. Guy: Honey, why can't I get a GT-R? Girl: Because you'll want to come to these things all the time and we both know these guys are perving at my ass right now.
  24. I know... ...so did I... ...I just rubbed my face while going through the video and was "ouch", wtf?... ...How did that happen...
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