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Everything posted by htial

  1. Hahaha... ...gold...
  2. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Oops... ...My bad for asking the question in the open section...
  3. Damn extra large costco shopping trollies...
  4. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Is that the night cruise???... ...I've only just looked at it...
  5. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Yes, yes I am...
  6. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Break and Enter...
  7. htial

    Spotted Thread

    I should stop using my car for B&Es...
  8. htial

    Spotted Thread

    UNR34L in Dandy a few min ago... ...gave a wave... ...was trying for a Hi-Five...
  9. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Now how am I meant to do that???...
  10. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Oh... ...Also spotted a white 33 with Silver Decepticon logo on the drivers side 1/4 turning from a side street onto North road... ...He would have seen me...
  11. htial

    Spotted Thread

    So today while I was waiting to get two new tyres popped onto the Skyline... ...I was sitting in the nice warm sun and two asian students walked past... ...And I only overheard one part of the conversation... ...But it's had me laughing all afternoon... "Did you really fail, or just 'Asian Fail' and get a B?"
  12. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Sorry, didn't see you... How's the bar going???...
  13. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Black 4Dr 34 at the Dandy SHut... ...custom plates...
  14. This is another good rule to come in... ...(one that I thought was already a law)... How hard is it to turn right into a side street and then do a u-turn and turn left out of that side street... ...(I say "right" into a side street because if you were to turn "left" into a side street it then makes you have to turn "right" across two directions of traffic rather than enter one direction of traffic)...
  15. I personally think this is a great idea... The one problem I see with it, is people will stick their phones to the middle of their windscreens under their rear vision mirror... ...And completely f*** their field of vision out of their cars... It is illegal to hang anything from your rear vision mirror... ...but for some reason people get away with sticking these things dead centre... ...doesn't make sense...
  16. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Did you see me light up the rears on lower dandy doing a u-turn???... ...GF wanted to go to DFO and was telling me it was lower dandy up until we were on it and then she said Center dandy... ...I should have checked before I left home... Two spots in one day... ...Iz awesomez... Why for "failz"... ...I saw one on a Lambo and thought it would look good on mine... ...and I don't usually park in that part of Chaddy...
  17. Check out the Zero Carbon Car... ...it has a small bio diesel generator in the boot to recharge the batteries if the trips get a little too long...
  18. It looks awesome... But I've already contacted two dealers about the LEAF but they're not taking orders yet... ...it looks like it will kick the iMiEV's ass... ...But we'll have to wait two years longer for Nissan to bring theirs to Australia... In the mean time I just need to save up the coin for my own project...
  19. I'm sure the guys at RE Customs in Springvale could give it the once over and tell you all you need to know... ...And then give you an idea of the costs to fix it up...
  20. htial

    Spotted Thread

    About 20 min ago saw a 4 door 34 with a black dragon on the boot lid / rear bar along Princess Hwy inbound...
  21. I've been looking for an engine-less Skyline for a bit now... ...Nothing too serious... ...Taking my time saving the coin for this project and hitting the text books... ...I was thinking R32, but a 33 would also be ok for this project... ...Knowing that there's someone out there that might want the engine is good... ...But I might still need the gear box and ECU for this project... I might even be able to take a body off your hands if you find the right RB25DET... ...But give me heaps of notice before you do...
  22. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted two black 33s in Springvale around 2:45... ...Followed one across Springvale road towards Westall Rd... ...He turned into a workshop just before Westall Rd... ...The other was going the other way to me and the first and stopped at some lights... ...Had a CarX Australia sticker across the windscreen and I think SAU stickers on the 1/4s...
  23. I just found one that could almost be better...
  24. I doubt we'll ever see an add like that on Australian TV...
  25. My aunt sent me this... ...And I got a good laugh out of it... ...I don't know if it's been posted yet or not...
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