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Posts posted by htial

  1. I know the one... ...I was there a few weeks ago with some mates (one car, around 11pm) and we'd finished cleaning his car and headed over to get some drinks from BP... ...As we were on out way back a divi van was there writing out a ticket... ...we were told that we weren't allowed to park there to go into BP... ...We argued that we'd just finished cleaning the car and we didn't think we were doing anything wrong by leaving the car for a few minutes because no one else was around and we were the only ones there... ...Cut a long story short... ...we dropped and raised all four windows to show that the inside of the doors were still wet... ...and they let us go...

    I'd say fight it as much as you can... ...or at least request a moment of the officers time and plead with him to cancel it...

  2. I've spoken to my dad about doing such a thing and he said he'd be ok with SAU members taking a few spots at the Springvale Rotary Sunday Market. The next one is tomorrow, so it's a bit short on notice. It's always held on the second sunday of the month, in the car park across the road from Sandown train station. The other side of the tracks to the raceway.

    The deal would be that it's $10.oo for whoever is selling stuff. (If you come to look it's a gold coin). You park your car on your spot and sell out of your boot. Or if you've got a trailer full of stuff you pop that on your spot and park your car off to the side. You're free to bring whatever tables you like to display stuff.

    From the clubs point of view we really don't need to do anything apart from advertise. All the public liability stuff is in the hands of Springvale Rotary. I'll try and get dad to come along to the next SAU meeting and have a chat about maybe getting this thing off the ground. At the moment I can only see advantages for us hoping on a bandwagon that's already on the move. The only thing is that Rotary usually meet on the same night as SAU. We leave mum home alone. :whistling:

  3. I like this idea... ...You're more than welcome to bring it up at the next general meeting...

    My Dad runs a market for the Springvale Rotary Club so having a venue wouldn't be a problem... ...But the S'n'S integration is also a good idea...

  4. I've never had much faith in some cops ability to use the "tint meter"... ...I've had them get anything from 15 to 73... ...And that's just from moving from the right to the left... ...And then a 1/4...

    If you've got dirty windows it can give a false reading... ...I've got stock tint on my 33 and it's even faded because you can see the SAU Vic sticker "shadow" after I removed them... ...And they still sometimes tell me it's too dark...

  5. I'd love to be picked for something like this. If you can send them the SAU Vic TV YouTube link and see if they'll also have me on. :thumbsup:

    As too topics.

    The government could easily build Use At Your Own Risk skid pans out in some factory area away from homes. They do it all the time for skate parks.

    With defects they seem to be picking on people who modify their car. Most of the time these modified cars are in really good condition. Unlike some 30 year old rust bucket with faded tail lights. And faded tail lights are deflectable. Because they don't send a clear "indication of your intentions on the road".

    Why aren't the police showing respect to car enthusiasts like they used to back in the 80's? Why don't the police still have their own drag cars that we can compete against at the drag strip?

    I don't "cruise on the hwy". But I also don't go to clubs. But if I had to do one, I'd go to the hwy. It's safer than going to a club. There's no drunks. (Or there shouldn't be). And I know that while the people I meet might not like my car. I'm going to get respect for being a fellow car "nut".

    Just a few little points from me.

    - - Laith...

  6. nice vids, but can i choose the songs next time

    there terrible haha

    but besides that top vids

    Sure... ...I'll take any suggestions for music... ...But it all has to be copyright free... ...I got permission from the band to use their music... ...And their management got them the rights to do the "Till the World Ends" cover...

    The other thing is... ...The music I've used in the other videos is all copyright free... ...But someone keeps flagging them saying that the music breaches copyright... ...And it's a daily battle to fight YouTube to prove that there are no copyright breaches...

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