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Everything posted by htial

  1. htial

    Go Karts?

    I'd be up for this... I just forget to check the Events section...
  2. I was at home watching TV... And not looking at the events section...
  3. Aww... ...When are we going to hear the end of this story???...
  4. I don't know if this has been said before or not... ANYONE THAT FLASHES THEIR INDICATOR AFTER THEY START TO CHANGE LANE!!!... I'm sure I've read that an indicator is a STATEMENT OF INTENTION and not a FACT... ...And must be used a minimum of 100 meters before any change of lane or direction... I could be wrong... ...It just seems like common sense to me...
  5. htial

    Todays Mx

    Aww man... ...I top out and lose my nerve at around 160Km/h... Last long weekend I went up to a friends farm and their driveway is 5Km long... ...And only surfaced six months ago... ...Smooth like a baby's bum... ...And apart form the barbed wire fence and cows... ...Kms of grass on both sides if you happen to head sideways and need a lot of room to slow down...
  6. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Oh sweet... ...Thanks Kaz... I don't think I've mentioned this... ...but I think you might know my boss Kathleen... ...Works in Aged Care for Dandy...
  7. I'll give him Pop-off Valve... I just got kicked out of bed for Popping off... ...Couch is too cold to sleep on so I thought I'd get online...
  8. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted "SKYGRL" (?)... ...a White 34... ...On Heatherton Rd, Crossing Westall Rd around 6:30pm... And a Blue 32... ..."BLUR-32"... ...On Princess a little later... Stand out for the week was the chick driving the White 32 GXi(?)... ..."POZ-xxx"... ...Parked next to me at the Springvale Maccaz on Wednesday and then followed me turning right out of the Springvale Rd exit and down Springvale Rd for about 2Ks... I got to get more "Spotted Cards" to hand out... ...I felt like a dick when I thought of giving her the URL scribbled out on a piece of paper... So I didn't give it to her...
  9. Where do I look to get the stats for my post code???...
  10. Thanks for the tip...
  11. htial

    Spotted Thread

    So can the damn cops...
  12. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Thursday night I was North bound on the Loddon Hwy... ...At 8:15 (about 15 minuets at 130km south of the Bridgerwater servo/Bendigo bypass) a car wet past heading South and I saw some bright red stove tops in my mirror... ...They were heading back Bendigo way... ...Couldn't tell if they were a 32 or 33... ...Could have been any car really... ...but I just had a feeling it was a Skyline because of the sound... Then on Saturday afternoon in Stradbroke Ave, Swan Hill, I saw a Blue 33 that had some white details... ...And a "P" plate... Doubt it would be anyone on here... ...But then you never know... ...Last time I was up there I saw a two 33s... ...One Bright Purple and one Green...
  13. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Yup yup... ...That was me...
  14. I think the one on the bottom right reads Cool Factor... Curently at ZERO!!!...
  15. This is all good to know... ...Because I've been thinking of a front mount and cutting the middle out of my '33 S1 bar... ...means I'd have to mount on the side... ...and my dad (a cop) says that I can't mount it on the side... ...I'll bookmark this for him to read later... =^_^=
  16. God damnit!!!... Everyone PM me and prank my mobile to get me to come along to the next one... Looks like it would have been worth having the missus pissed at me for the next day or so...
  17. We should postpone this for one week and all drive up to Cairns and back on the long weekend... It's only a 72 hour round trip... ...5930Km give or take... What do ya think???...
  18. I'd have to say that I also hate cars with "shopping lists" on them... Good one tiger... ...let the world know what mods you go so they can work out how much they can make when they jack your car!!!... I want to get the guys at CarX make me up a shopping list... ...but it would say "Apples" in stead of "Apex"... ..."Milk" and not "HKS"... ..."Mizo" for "Nismo"... ...etc...
  19. Woot... ...NEONS!!!... ......
  20. All I can think of is Mario Kart...
  21. Aww crap... Too late on this thread...
  22. I'll try and make it... ...but a thursday night would be a bit hard... Family Guy is on...
  23. htial

    Spotted Thread

    Spotted a Blue 34 turning right from Princess Hwy onto Westall Rd at the same time a White 34 was turning left off Westall Rd onto Princess Hwy at around 7:45am... ...Blue had SAU stickers (UKBxxx)... A few min later on heatherton spotted a silver 34 turned off Springvale Rd and then into Olympic Ave... Then on the way home spotted a White 33 that changed lanes in front of me a little close to my bumper... ...(UFIxxx I think)... Also at some point saw a white 32... ...lots of black and brown around the zorst...
  24. The two long exposure shots from inside look amazing... I'd like to see one with the camera on the back shelf looking straight out the front... ...get a kinda Star Wars hyper space look... ...City link tunnels or out on the new section going towards the airport...
  25. htial

    G.o.r Pics

    And some more...
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