Thats my point. If an unknown did exactly the same thing would anyone even mention their name? Highly doubt it. Soon as a famous name does a good deed its instant hero status for them.
Either way RIP
I'm going to check out that ducati today
If anything, being a celeb he more than likely got special treatment.
So if I die the same way i'll be an inspiration and a legend amongst tradies yeah
I think they're just taking advantage knowing it's the most popular learner bike etc and would expect people to pay good money for it
Pretty sure I've seen em advertised for 4-5k with low enough k's
some kind of special edition or something. still wayyy too much
diggin this for some reason|0||p_RankSort_Int32|1||p_HasPhotos_Int32|1||p_Make_String|0||p_Model_String|0||p_YearMade_Int32|1||p_PriceSort_Decimal|1||p_PhotoCount_Int32|1&__Qpb=1&__sid=1362C6CDC76E&__Nne=15
bone stopped it going all the way through, that's how it felt anyway...
skin as usual was still holding on a tiny bit, just flipped it back in place and let it dry it glued itself back on lol
oh and bikes