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GTR Power

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    VL Commodore, VZ SS
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  1. champ i appologised.. sorry if i hurt your feelings lol
  2. thanks steve for being one of the only people to give me a decent answer..cheers mate well i ahvent bought anything yet so i take everyones opinion into account, just hate it when ppl tell me to save my money for 3 years.. its not possible for me to work, go outy and got to uni with no car, public transport just doesnt always cut it..and i love cars so id like somthing nice.. but ye sorry to ppl i blew up at before
  3. i get the shits cos everytime i ask peopel opinions on a car they give me the same bullsh it save your money get sumthing cheaper.. SSS is cheap enough.. i bet of i said i wana get a 500 dollar vl commodore hunk of sh it again, people would say save your money and buy something cheaper for now..it just gets on my nerves,
  4. oooh for fu ks sake seriously what is evryones problem.. i need a fu king car and im gonna get one, im sick of people saying save your money and wait three years.. would you wait three years?????????????? sorry to blow up, but im sick of it, i went from thinking i was gonna buy a 20 000grand non turbo skyline, to saving 10gs and buying a 10grand pulsar
  5. hey guys, after stupidly speeding, and geting cought, i coped 6 months, i get my Ps back this week, i was contemplating geting a non turbo r34 skyline (sue to p plater restrictions) but now have decided to go for the cheaper, but better all rounder (initial cost, insurance, performance, fuel economy) 5speed SSS n15 pulsar.. do u guys think this is a better choice? i mean i would totally prefer a skyline, but non turbo skyline? dunno doesnt appeal to me that much and after asking a few ppl on this forum, seems to be the same advice from everyone, DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON A NON TURBO R34.. so ye ive taken this advice.. what are your views on the n15 SSS? now i just wanted to aska another quick question.. my license is currently restricted to automatic.. if i drove the 5speed SSS and happend to get cought what is the penalty? and after the suspension do i get my 4 points back?.. i will be going to getr my manual license soon, its just that im extreamly busy and just need to delay geting them for about 4 weeks.. im sure i could go undetected for 4 weeks... but ye anyhelp would be greatly appriciated guys , CHeers Dave (ps im in NSW, red P plater, restricted from high performance cars..etc)
  6. has anyone read what i said about the little shit box mondeo costing nearly as much to insure as the skyline.. $3000 for that shi tbox, im not gonna drive sum hunk of sh it over 1 grand, its gonna be the same for everything, guess i have to live with the fact that im 17 with a bad record, no car will be cheap to insure
  7. hey guys, sorry about cumin across as a dick, i read everyones posts, and it would be pretty stupid to not take in to consideration what the majority of you are saying.. in saying this after i read the posts, i decided that maybe a commmodore or falcon would be a better option, this doesnt seem to be the case, because just cars actually quoted me higher for an xr6 falcon, or sv6 commodore, i also checked the standard acclaim commodore, 200 dollars cheaper than the skyline... then out of curiousity i checked how much it would cost to insure my mums ford mondeo under my name.. still $3000!!! right now as a nominated driver under myu mums name, we are paying only $600 a year for full comp, cos of her 60% no claim bonus.. ok tell me what your guys think, are these quotes way out, or can i consider doing this: this is my idea, tell me what u think, i get third party fire n theft, under my name for the ford mondeo, as if thats my car now.. and the skyline under my mums name, as if thats her new car, me as a nominated drive, but not the main user of the skyline, with her 60% no claim bonus would this work out to be very cheap??
  8. thanks for the great advice, ppft still getting a skyline
  9. mate i admited what i did was stupid, and when i drove it wasnt like an idiot, just becasue im not some poor yobba who can only afforf to drive the family ford laser, dosnt mean i should be stuck with driving a shitbox, like anyone will tell u you can kill yourself in any car , a non turbo car is more for looks than anything, its a 2.5 litre straiught 6, doenst exactly scream perfomance to me mate, not boasting but i leant tto drive on my dads vz ss, not saying that makes me a mad driver, not even saying makes me a good driver, just saying a 90rwkw car isnt something id class as over the top for a p plater , your just s jelous poor old bastard who couldnt afford a nice car on his Ps, piss of mate directed at Lachlan33
  10. this isnt my first car and im sick of people syaing buy a sh it box, i had a vl already, i know its stupid but i had my vl when i was 16 and drove buy myself everywhere with no license, and i dont know how but didnt get cought, got my Ps and f*k in get done speeding straight away, ive got the money for the line, and im not gonna drive a peace of crap, true wat u said if u cant afford the full comp dont get the car, fair statement, and i wont get the car if i cant afford it, its just annoying seriously, everyone tells us to get shitters, why dont u drive a peace of crap car yourself, i love cars, i love everything about them and im not gonna get sum shit box, id rather wait and get sumthin decent, but ive got the money so im gonna get this
  11. is it basicly saying u will get max 5 grand back , so if your cars worth more than that u should get full comp?
  12. sorry i dont understand?, if the car is worth 20000, if it gets stolen, i get how much back?
  13. k just did a third party + fire n theft, quoted at $708, with $600 excess, plus $700 for under 21 year old male, then it says : Your Car 1998 NISSAN SKYLINE GTS HR33 F/INJ 2D COUPE (IMPORT) 6 CYL A You advised us your car has no unrepaired damage Purchase date Nov 2006 Purchase price $19,999 Cover Third Party Property Damage up to $5 million Plus Fire or Theft Damage for current market value up to $5,000 dont understand why it says 1998 r33?? anyways doe sthat mean if my car gets stolen, i get 5000 back only ???
  14. um.. ok u know how everyone does that put it under mummy or daddys name thing? is that worth it.. my parenst have 2 cars isured with NRMA, have our house isnured with NRMA, u reccon with all there no claim bonus etc i could get insured for less.. or no chance with nrma?
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