hey guys, sorry about cumin across as a dick, i read everyones posts, and it would be pretty stupid to not take in to consideration what the majority of you are saying.. in saying this after i read the posts, i decided that maybe a commmodore or falcon would be a better option, this doesnt seem to be the case, because just cars actually quoted me higher for an xr6 falcon, or sv6 commodore, i also checked the standard acclaim commodore, 200 dollars cheaper than the skyline...
then out of curiousity i checked how much it would cost to insure my mums ford mondeo under my name.. still $3000!!!
right now as a nominated driver under myu mums name, we are paying only $600 a year for full comp, cos of her 60% no claim bonus..
ok tell me what your guys think, are these quotes way out, or can i consider doing this:
this is my idea, tell me what u think, i get third party fire n theft, under my name for the ford mondeo, as if thats my car now.. and the skyline under my mums name, as if thats her new car, me as a nominated drive, but not the main user of the skyline, with her 60% no claim bonus would this work out to be very cheap??