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Stinky Rooster

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Everything posted by Stinky Rooster

  1. how do you know the stage riser is level? drummer drools from both sides of his gob
  2. Its all in the name The car looks fkn sweet
  3. lolz I would like to see a cutaway diagram of exactly how that would work... So fkn good, I just handed my notice in But srsly, its awesome to be back surrounded by people way smarter than me (this doesnt happen driving trucks...) but not so awesome with the industry volatility and how that affects the duration of your contract terms. To this end, I have been offered a wad of cash (and a bit better security) to waddle my ass down to the west end of the city starting straight after easter. Plus, no more fkn iron ore handling
  4. you never heard him before? Dude started off yeeeeeears ago on JJJ hosting the roots and all show. Has some pretty fkn epic percussion stuff going on too. I saw him at the Fly years ago, and his drummer had 2 kits, and a frame with car doors and flattened 44 gal drums hanging off it. Was mental One wierd thing about Ash's gigs though, every single one I have been to there has never been any aggro, but every time without fail, there will end up being a mosh pit of pissed surfers declaring their love for one another at full fkn volume Usually right after the fkn dolphin song
  5. I would want a fair bit better protection that that spaghetti looking crossbrace before I would drive a dudley to sub 9 sec qtr I have NFI how that bloke fits his obviously gigantic balls into that tiny, tiny car
  6. Broseph!! Gonna try and head down south soon, just to roll naked on the new toolbox
  7. Morning all Got to see Ash Grunwald in Freo last night, tearing it up with a drummer and a couple of the finest local blues legends ever, was an awesome night, and will give a massive thumbs up to the freo port garden bar, never been there before and its carrying on freos live music culture in the best way! Nothing better than going to a killer gig and at the end the artists step off stage straight into the crowd for beer and good times.
  8. oh lawd shits getting real
  9. So, I have to fkn rant about this or my head will fkn explode. Every one has those soccer mum type friends that leach their way into your circle of FB etc, right? Well, somehow I ended up with one of these twatty bourgeois bitches on my feed, and paid little to no attention to it, untill it recently posted a pic of the damage from someone ALMOST running up the back end of its car. I say ALMOST because from the pic its pretty obvious its was a very glancing blow (car was repaired and returned to her in a little over a week) I STILL didnt pay much attention, until this little gem popped up a little later Now, its that last sentence that burns my arse like a bad late night burrito, as a frequent payer of compulsory third party insurnace premiums on my rego. Anyone want to comment on a suitable reaction? Because a public expletive filled rant at the POS on FB just doesnt cut it when they can just delete/report me for it.
  10. I cant do shit, and no one should do a job like this for free
  11. I will probably take you up on this. I actually bought this car, because a past member on here was a Ford parts manager, and he saved me literally thousands when i bought it, and made sure it left the stealership with some pretty noice ad ons I miss bardley
  12. Last coolant change was the issue I think. Its only ever had 1 other change, done at the end of the warranty with dealer coolant. Just did the 90 000km service, thought I would slip a coolant change in 10K km early because I had it on a hoist and it was easy to do, and ever since it has been spitting o-rings and seals all over the place. Change was made to the Nulon red. I am fkn kicking myself as I usually just use a glycol concetrate and distilled water mixed by me, but I got sucked in to the easy route and now I am paying for it
  13. I know, right? Plus, if it is the o-rings, it means my u-beaut nulon coolant is a POS
  14. OK, so you have these bad boys running through the firewall which connects to the heater matrix as thus and if you notice the 2 black clips halfway between the firewall hard tube, and the heater matrix, you get to these suspect little f**kers and these are the issue (I suspect) they are located in the drivers footwell, and I am pretty sure they will be accessible just by dropping the bottom off the dash (and maybe yoink the shifter) but given I cant get into the footwell to eyeball any of this, its all purely academic at this stage. It might be a shat heater anyway
  15. lo I fkn here ya. Got it bypassed for now, but I have to pay someone to fix it, so if you are looking for a cashie for a weekend, let me know. Things is, I am still not convinced its the heater. A couple of days after changing the coolant, the o-ring on the petcock shat on the radiator dump, and this makes me suspect the o-rings in the heater line even more. fkn cars.
  16. does this mean you dont want to come pull the dash out of the focus for me? Saturday morning, about 1 hour after fitting 4 brand new tyres, the fkn heater core shat and spewed hot water all over my feet 8 years and almost 100 000km and NOW it finally breaks something....
  17. did you get awesome gt stripes from the ole double pluggers?
  18. Yeah, and get a haircut too
  19. not wanting to be a prick. but you know thats actually illeagal, right?
  20. Just spent the day stripping the parts bike, and if you ever get sick of swinging spanners on a car, try a bike. Fkn things are SO much easier and less pressure on the body - which counts when you are an old crip like me
  21. Imma need more info on this, so I know which trade to take the piss on
  22. (topless) pics or it didnt happen
  23. looks like my back yard about 3 minutes after I got my first dirt bike in 15 years
  24. ohai Trev. Still in the throes of a weekend I take it?
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