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Stinky Rooster

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Everything posted by Stinky Rooster

  1. Thats getting old dude. Welcome to mortality. Leave your morals and hang-ups over by the door, you wont be needing them
  2. internal brah. Thats what I was on about.
  3. This is the sort of thing I think about every time someone says to me "I could never work in an office..." PS - Morning kunce!!
  4. You still get a scar, its the same thing they used last 2 times I had the spine serviced. You just get a single line scar Split open both shins on a dirtbike when I was young, Stitches left more scarring than the wound did, Fkn things took 25 years to fade away
  5. LOL dirt bike is about to be in a million bits. At least 3 months before I can get my leg high enough to get over the seat Plus, still got almost 10' of surgical wounds in the back. Mudafkrs used internal disolving stitches on me and while you dont have to worry about scarring, or getting them removed, fkn things have about a third of the tensile strength of the old school shoelace stylez
  6. Love to brah, but sitting and mobility still arent up to scratch so I am gonna stay out of this one.
  7. ohai eric. Hows tricks? Been an epic long time dude.
  8. its a llama in a lobster suit!!! aaaand thats enough interwebz for tonight
  9. Quoted for sheer awesomeness on the throwback scale
  10. Also, hank obviously enjoys new threads in much the same way Lachy likes new kicks.... REDROCKETREDROCKETREDROCKET!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!TY
  11. dinner needs moar cake I had jelly and cream filled lamingtons. Not totally sold on the new sponge recipe, should have stuck with the tried and tested buttermilk base, but the scratch made rasberry jelly filling might have juuuust saved it. A dash of marscapone in the cream would have finished it I reckon PS - I AM OFFICIALLY A DESIGN DRAFTY AGAIN!!!!!! Best part is, I dont start till Jan, so crusiy as fk xmas for this little black rooster
  12. Hank - all it needs is a confederate flag on the roof, and twin 10' stacks = sorted Tits - Yup. Lost a bit of weight since the old days so I doubt the old ones will fit. And nobody wants to see loose fitting arseless chaps no one
  13. Well YOU wouldnt let me have a crack at your drawings, so I decided to find someone who will Funny thing is, I decided to try and go back to designing, and had my spine immediately shit itself and flop me into a surgery with little to no warning. Turns out, that exact same day my name popped up in a conversation between some old colleagues, and they rang the Good Wife to get me to attend an interview. When the mrs told them I was currently opened up like Skywakers Tauntaun on Hoth they said they were THAT fkn keen they would see me any time I was ready (?) so I decided (while still off chops on meds in hospital) that I only needed 1 week to get over spinal fusion and I was bang up for it, and now tomorrow morning I will be in my best shiny bum costume in the cbd...
  14. hey you.... Fkn bit dead in here
  15. oh lawd, and so it begins... ...Murica'
  16. YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!! *runs out sobbing hysterically* This beard may not look like much to most people, but due to not getting into puberty until my late 30's it has been hard won
  17. Ken oath it is, but tbh I had kinda counted on a little more down time
  18. in the brakes or in the body armour? anyway, you think you got issues? I just got one of those phone calls, where the bloke on the other end has assumed you have a bit more knowledge than you actually do, on a given subject, and you spend the entire conversation catching up.... Turns out I have a job interview on friday. Exactly 1 week after having my spine fused
  19. sup kunce got a new zipper installed in the spine, 2 bone grafts and 4 screws into the spine, plus rerouting a bunch of nerves and within 24 hours I am back at home annoying you guise. Apparently we have a shit public health system? Not saying it couldnt do with a bit better funding, but IMO the actual people running the show are dead set fkn legends
  20. better to avoid kalgoorlie
  21. holy shit this would be amazeballs live
  22. I know a bloke. Hes a bit of a trev, but OK on the spanners This mornings brekkie, just for elle
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