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Stinky Rooster

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Everything posted by Stinky Rooster

  1. OK, I'll bite do tell
  2. even I cant justify spending that much coin on a bbq, or the big green egg would be a dead cert! In other news, John Harvey Kellog, the guy famous for inventing breakfast cereal, also invented the health sanatarium, the electric blanket... ...and a machine that could fire 15 GALLONS a minute of water up your backside, and if you were unlucky enough to undergo this treatment, you could look forward to it finishing up with a half gallon of yoghurt going straight up the newly cleaned colon....
  3. And that's why we all love Hank!! I take it the shopping spree means the offset is going well? I am looking at Kamodo's at the moment. Too much weber love to go for an offset, but there is always room for expanding the fleet, amiright?
  4. Yeah, I "might" have paid way too much for a couple of prime rib eyes from the boatshed market to test this theory
  5. The weather isn't shit enough to keep the bike in the shed... (however the severe limitations of the new back tyre have been fully realized) In other news, finally got my hands on a sous vide on the weekend. Holy shit those things are awesome
  6. Fkn yanks eh? You need to put full skinned doors on I assume? I just ask, because I have designed a couple of sets of rock doors, but I have no idea how road legal they are
  7. I haven't had Side Door yet. Hoping to hit up 3230 this weekend though, I hear the burgers are passable How goes the Tonka truck import?
  8. lol @ prison coffee yet another time when the unwarranted buttsex is the preferred option wait, what?
  9. Well, coffee seems to be de rigueur for rubs, so I assume it would be tits for a sauce hell, lets be honest, when is a good espresso not absolute tits?
  10. LOL I am the absolute fkn worst when it comes to taking pics of my work. Last night the mrs and I went head to head, I did a 6 hr lamb shoulder, and scratch made the slider buns, served with roasted sweet potato and salsa, she comes back with handmade toasted brioche and a chocolate soufflé. She remembered to take pics of hers, and I ate the everloving fck out of everything, THEN remembered the pics... Also - stumbled on a new glaze recipe too - smoky bourbon and blueberry. Just got to wait 4-5 months for my blueberry bushes to get their shit together
  11. holy shit congratulations mate
  12. Gimme a date in August and I will host a bbq that will leave you all pre-diabetic. I have a pork candy recipe that will make it all worthwhile As for the Lurkers current misfortune, I always say its the womans fault for taking seriously something that was poked at her in fun.
  13. Noted. Any chance the Big Rev Trev and The Red Bearded Lurker roadshow will be heading back to civilization any time soon?
  14. sup kunce? fkn spewing I had to bail on youse last night. Might have to make up for it with bbq?
  15. whatchoo learning?
  16. According to my feed, it is still a reliable source of bbq, dirt bike and dog related news not sure who ol' Zuckerberg is going to sell THAT data to, but I wish him all the best
  17. Yeah mang. I am so fkn westside, its less than a stones throw from the freeway
  18. no time like the present to get him used to sleeping in the car outside the pub. Start as you mean to go on, I always say.
  19. more = merrier
  20. I might be able to, gotta check with the minister for war and finance....
  21. depends on the pub... Had an epic cheeseburger @ The Churchill on the weekend. Would eat again.
  22. and to think The Good Wife tried to tell me the mankini/arseless chaps combo could go to the thrift store as I wouldn't have any further use for them... I sure showed her!!
  23. keen to TA for the auto sparky to the stars
  24. guilty as charged :blush: in our house, dad jokes have to be lewd and hard to understand example 2 nuns sharing a bath 1st nun says "wheres the soap" 2nd nun says "it certainly does"
  25. Hold on tight Corey, its going to be a wild ride on the upside, it only lasts for the next 18-20 years..... Had one of the loinspawn join us for dinner last night, and the best bit? she went home afterwards If anyone needs me, I will be pantsless and farting on my couch
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