OK, I'm gonna brave the near certain flames I am gonna get for this one, but has anyone out there ever made any enquiries about a dedicated gas conversion to a series 1 RB25DET? I have been asking a few fitters here in WA (wait awhile) and all I am getting is horror stories about melted pistons and such. Now, acording to my research, LPG has a much higher RON than even Premium Unleaded so, in theory, this would be a Good Thing in regards to the tuning scope allowed, not to mention the savings in fuel costs.
The fact that the WA gubberment is now offering $2000 on top of the Federal gubberments $1000 rebate plan means that I will be spending bugger all of my own money to get this done.
My main questions about the conversion are centred around the fact that this would have to be a "blow through" set up and what effects is this likely to have on the standard throttle body? I am seriously considering this because I believe that with a gas dedicated cam grind, a purpose built exhaust and some quality time on the dyno, 200awkw would not be out of the question.