Luckily it was my stupidity of not plugging one of the coil looms in properly...
Went to do my timing belt this morning, but found that my idler and tensioner were just about crapped.
I rang a couple of autobarns and cheapa spares, but they had none in stock but they quoted about 260 (130 for each).
Lucky they didnt have them in stock cos I would have been ripped off. There was a post on SAU that said you could get them from a bearing place for but $50 each...
What pisses me off about autocar and other car shops is they never have the stuff i need in stock.
Autobarn didnt have timing belts (standard or aftermarket, they ordered me in a gates one), aircon and ps belts, or the tensioner and idler (not even in a kit).
Does anyone know of a place to get the goods we need for our imports, that always has stuff in stock, particularly the performance stuff (gates\hks timing belts, nismo\performance oil filters, etc..) on or close to the gold coast??