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Everything posted by SilverECR33

  1. how damaging is the fumes to us once we have knocked the guts out..
  2. oh that looks pretty good i wonder how it compares to the SAFC2
  3. ive heard good and bad stories. I know a guy that has one and hes been using it for 40,000+kms and it still goes fine?? some people have said theirs only lasted 10k.
  4. ouch man, sorry to hear. DAm some poeple!!!1 Anyone wanna buy 2 GTR badges?..
  5. What size turbo are you using? thats exactly where I want to hit full boost 3500.
  6. What i shouldve said was STock insted of smaller. I see ur point. And i just checked out my standard runners, and it looks like the greddy ones are actually shorter than the stock ones. I havnt got a greddy one here to measure though.
  7. realistically if i was going for bigger numbers i would not choose the plazma cause it retains standard runners. I would go the greddy over it. and i would imagine. It would flow more thru them over the Standard runners and probably have alot better flow rate/swirl ie. port design. But my setup is for Response and balance and power combined. hense my choice. and yes i was wrong to say smaller. For the same reason as what happens when u put a tunnel ram on a v8 *edit and i shouldve said int he first post, that i know of only the rb25 had the standard runners. they do make complete plenums also.
  8. Im no expert did i forget to mention that? My Wording may not be 100% correct either, it could be caused by port Design Not just shorter lenght , But Im quite sure thats wat the guys down at Plazmaman was telling me that, Simply ..he said when using their plenum with the standard runners it created more initial response and more torque. We chatted for a while about that and why, so They sent me across some Dyno sheets to check out, As I'm planning on buying one very soon. Who knows Sales people say anything to get a sale but these guys are well known for good product so i believe them, . I did not get to talk to the Owner though as he was busy, so maybe you should give them a call if your interested about why this is so? and have a chat with them . cheers.
  9. Was the full lock guy there? I cannot see anything Updated on the Website. Looking for some certain shots. that were apparently taken on the day. Cheers.
  10. the reason you found this i was told by plazmaman was , Greddy has its own runners. where as Plazmaman retains stock runners. and just bolts up to them. the smaller runners give more torque with that plenum. creating more response
  11. o plazmaman how was fitment? easy to install? did all the factory stuff go onto the plenum?
  12. looks like sumone yokked him in the eye.
  13. Was a great day, i was stuffed, went home and slept early, timing was pretty busy all day. but i loved it. great to see all the skylines there! Especially Loved that Ultima GTR .. hopefully next time I can meet more SAU guys . I was really suprised at the old commodores carving it up. good on em and doing fast times too. The majority were going pretty fast. some decent times. Hopefully Next time theres even more skylines great pix! anyone else get any?
  14. hey i Actually did this recently. No Data Logic is totally Diff, requires their Hardware with 'Their' Software. We had some issues getting it activated also. Found the link we were provided didnt work after 5pm.. ??? worked fine the next morning at 8am. strange i thought.
  15. lol. on topic. Mine kinda doesnt like to start when cold, I gotta give it a little fuel to start it, but then it just purrs like a kitten
  16. very nice. tidy. looks mean too .
  17. I dont agree .. I actually like hicas. Hicas is my friend
  18. maybe ur hicas was playing up?. Mine dont do that at all. although i do agree at high speed corners , especially long ones with bumps, u do notice it become unstable. when cornering hard, RWD cars do snap out under throttle. hicas holds on the edge longer and u will carry more speed because of it. It's interesting you assume HICAS does this, its more the fact your corning hard in a RWD adding power. alot of people i think blame hicas, when its their diff that is wearing out and causing some of these issues. the more u drift and do burnouts the more your LSD will not engage properly. .. Just my theory.
  19. I thought it was more like 10kw. Sure feels like 10 at least.
  20. From My experience, Solid lifters, are better for RAcing or hardcore engines. They are designed to offer a more vicous opening to the valuves, so valve open duration may be quicker and longer. Of course You need to match Solid lifters to a Solid profile cam. Otherwise you would damage your hidrolic cam due to the Composition of the cam not being strong enough. and the solid lifters ripping your hydrolic cam up. Hydrolic Lifters are designed to take out some of the Initial torue placed on the Valve train. By acting as a shockie which helps in also lobe design, and getting the curve of valve opening movement smoother. Also lasting alot longer as initial Wear and tear is lowered due to less stress placed on the cam. Solids obviously ARe the Oposite. Solid lifters act as soon as the lobe begins to increase in diameter. Which means your Valves are open immediately and earlier and move Vicious than a Hydrolic Lifter will. Obviously Solid cams are designed different in a way to hydrolic in the same sense to combat this vicious stress in that the Initial Opening curve is slightly less vicious than a hydrolic so that it doesnt wear out as quickly, But As Ive learned Solid Lifters and cams do wear out . alot more quicker than Hydrolic. and they also need to be Re-Adjusted frequently. So they would not be your Ideal solution to a Street car. And the only reason I personally wouldnt use them. Unless it was on a Race car, Not a daily Driver (so to speak). Now I havnt used these TOMEI solid cam sets, and im not 100% sure on their wear characteristics. for all i know they could be great.. But might be an idea. to contact the supplier or a tuner who has used them and find out. Cheers.
  21. CArs that do that. tend to be out of shape. Ie. need tune. clogged air filter. thrashed engine. dirty idle control circuits etc. the car should come back to idle fine. Not a big drama. but thats hwy i said 'Time for a tuneup"
  22. You could always mount it on my car
  23. lol ok i just had a look at arb30et and its got lifters just no pushrods. I knew they were missin sumthin
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