I think we may need to cut Greenline a bit of slack. They are obviously one of the best companies out there selling quality Japanese parts. I have personally bought over $10,000 worth of stuff through Greenline, and even though you may have to wait a little bit longer sometimes, the prices and quality of service make up for it 10 fold. With Simon injured last week, it will keep Jason and the rest of the Greenline guys on their toes, but I think we should support Greenline, and go ahead and order the parts we require.
How many other international companies, based in Japan can we talk about, and actually say we know the names of people we are ordering from ? (Simon and Jason)
How many other Japanese companies have an Australian Agent ?
How many other Japanese companies actually take the time to read what we think here on the forums, and reply to our messages, and tell us the truth about our order when something happens ?
How many other Japanese companies have prices as good as Greenlines ? (and have an english website)
I have decided to support Greenline, all the way.
They only started up about 4 months ago, and are doing a great job.
Thats my 2 cents worth.