Just a quick question? Out of al lthe boys here how many actually do go down prinny hwy on a friday night and actually seen the changes over a 10 year period? Not talking once a month or so im talking like nearly every friday night as its your thing you do? Also who actually hang out where these people cruise?
If you do, you would have noticed how the car scene has changed. Seriously we are getting more younger and younger people out there and the reason half this shit is happening with so called hoons is because most of them are driving old beaten up shitters they could care less about. It's only that we "all car enthusiasts who actually have nice cars and do work on these cars ourselves and understand them" get caught up in this hype. How else are the cops and media meant to portray hoons if they started saying and showing that its mainly old stockers that are being flogged and most import drivers who do there cars up actually do take care of them, it would totally f**k things up. I think most people would agree and know that you can and could ge taway with more shit if your driving a normal car rather than your weekend warrior.
Really, what we should be doing instead of bloody going ahead and going to this ACA so called interview is actually having a proper meeting with the police force (who ever there mediator is), have all the car forums group together (a single mediator from each forum and the general publuc) and have the media there. From this have an official talk about what is going on and how we can as a society sort this issue out if its getting out of hand. The next thing would be to then have a live debate on TV if they really want to get the topic out there. I think its quite unfair seeing the approach ACA are giving to some young people trying to entrap them in a situation they really dont know about. i'm not some do gooder either ive been there done that, hell my record with defects was 45 canaries in 6 months and 16 epa's, know more than a dozen cops who have quit the police force because they themselves did not want to part take in the actions where they were told to hammer down on car hoons/drivers, it was getting out of control in the force.
It's the same thing over and over, get us a race track, get us a place for 1/4 drags etc. etc. Do you really think that will stop the 1000, people who meet up on prinny hwy every friday night? Half cant even afford to mod there cars properly...