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About -Jimmy-

  • Birthday 30/11/1990

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    Newcastle, NSW

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    1989 HR32 GTE, 1990 HCR32 GTS-t, 1993 ECR32 GTS25
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  1. It was more expensive than the base model GT-R, however cheaper than the V·spec and V·spec II. I've attached a scan of one of the price lists I have collected over the years. A lot of people blame the US market however I don't think we can blame any specific region for the price increases over the years.
  2. Nah I'm talking about the GTS-t with 15" wheels and single piston brakes. I've seen them pop up occasionally over the years. You can see it in the brochures. Most were early models (aka Series 1).
  3. Interesting, I haven't read about the issue with oil getting into the speedo in the cluster before. I'll have to take more notice with mine. The speedo on my R32's when I've run factory diff and tyre size have never been accurate as far as I can remember. The non Type-M GTS-t did come with 15" 5 stud wheels and smaller brakes, but that's less than 5% of them.
  4. Good to hear the condenser you picked up off my brother worked all good. Do you think there could be an issue with your AC compressor itself or the clutch on it then? I don't know a lot about them so I can't really help but keen to hear what it ends up being. Keep the build thread going man, it's nice to look back on over time.
  5. Cool to see you're on the forum man, think you've met my twin brother a few times (Brent).
  6. Yeah everyone always seems to refer to them as S13 wheels however they came on R32 Skyline, A31 Cefiro, C33 Laurel etc., and also came polished diamond cut or painted depending on the model. Congrats on your GTS purchase! I'd personally leave it NA.
  7. Out of curiosity, roughly how many cars are expected to turn out for this event?
  8. After 18 years on the forum, I have just signed up for a membership. Hoping to use this to have one of my R32's registered with historic rego in the new year.
  9. PM sent man. Try contacting Tyrone Hunt on Facebook? :)
  10. How's the car running man? :)
  11. Sorry I know where the regulator is, I shouldn't have asked that haha. So you think your factory one was faulty and that caused to pump to fail, or at least you hope that is what the problem is? When the fuel pump in my 32 was nearing the end of it's life I also discovered that on a dyno, however there were never any signs of it failing.
  12. How did you know the regulator was screwed? Where is that located and what did you do to fix it? Would that have killed the pump do you think?
  13. That's the issue I'm trying to chase which is why I posted in this topic to begin with. It's an S2 R33 RB25DET that is cutting out and coming back and then cutting out again, stalling etc. Sometimes is okay for a day, then it will be bad the next day and won't even drive 100m. We've tried AFM already with a refurbished one. I thought it had to be this but it still has the problem. I'm not sure how much I trust the refurbished units so I've sourced another AFM which is apparently a good one but not refurbished so we'll see how that goes. It could be so many different things.
  14. Yeah okay interesting. Well update this thread if any other issues arise. Hopefully it's fixed though.
  15. I'll have my non-GT-R (R32 sedan) in the Nismo display area.
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