as muh as i would love to crack the head open it is not a valid option at the moment because it is just to expensive.
the extractors that i had made are tune lenght to match the cams, i also have a hi flow cat.
I did some research into ITB's and couldn't justify the cost i went the Q45 option machined with a heavier spring. If this acts as fast as i hope it will then it should do just fine.
to put it in no uncertain terms getting the air fuel ratio right was an absolute b#$ch. it took the best part of 2 months. forgot to mention that before 600hp fuel pump and unpgraded fuel lines.
injectors are coming just looking for a good set of 440 or 444.
made 170hp at the wheels with exhaust, wolf, fuel pump, pod.
haven't done tune since the last round of work still sitting in the workshop, looking for around 270rwhp
it drives amazingly. Very responsive, smooth as silk to take off and power band is very long due to the down low torque. I strongly recommend this transplant for anyone who love the NA
hope that i answered all your questions keep the coments coming its appreciated and good to see there are others out there who respect what it takes to build a NA motor.