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Everything posted by adam-__-

  1. LOL, oh shit. haha. My bad.
  2. You forgot about Work VS-KF's!! lol, not the best picture, but this car.
  3. If my memory isn't playing on me, the only sway bars you could use from the GTSt is the rear bars. The front's won't fit/work properly because of the front diff. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. What are you trying to do? Just convert to the larger 4 pot brakes? That person you quoted that you'll need to get the bigger brake's lines as well, so I guess you'll need them, but doesn't hurt to try if your smaller brake's lines fit. You'll have to bleed the brakes, but that's not hard work.
  5. You should get an alignment every time you touch the suspension in some way.
  6. I'm thinking, guards, bonnet, lights, reinforcement bar and bumper. Edit: Keep the original series 1 front if you've got that. Don't convert it unless it's damaged in my opinion. Series one can be made to look good too.
  7. Looks like they made 2 sets of wheels with the one slab of metal. sivart's wheel will fit into R34TRK's gaps.
  8. Lifters make quite a loud noise at times as well, but it's not a ticking sound. More of a **insert sound** sound.
  9. Yep, sounds like you've got a stuffed heater core. Like hojak said, it's a big job to replace. Requires taking out whole dash. Probably best to get it fixed though. Winter's coming up!
  10. Easier said than done. Just get another car altogether. Drive the other car till you get some experience under your belt then jump into the skyline. You'll have to wait longer and feel shitty about it, but when you do get into one, you'll feel much better about it then if you were to get it now.
  11. Please don't go off and try to sell these wheels now. If you like them, that's all that matters. Don't care what others think.
  12. I'm no fan of those wheels or those types of wheels. -1 from me.
  13. I hope it's just rumors, we don't need this shit.
  14. Not good news at all. RIP
  15. Both have standard ones and they're fairly loud.
  16. +1 Barbarian loves his fords.
  17. Looked like a good night to be taking photos. Too bad I didn't have any fuel. Is this going to be a weekly/fortnightly event? I'll be there if there's going to be one next week.
  18. With the ticking sounds I've heard in an SR and RB engines, it's always been from the injectors (around the injector area).
  19. Shouldn't cost you more than $45 per guard. I see that you're in Melbourne, depending on where in Melbourne you are, PM 180athid, he does guard rolling for those in the eastern suburbs.
  20. Car doesn't look too bad. All the HSV's look the same to me. What's with the wheels though? Ugly shit.
  21. On the coilovers, are the heights set to the same height? Just check if the height nuts (not sure what they're actually called, but the I'm talking about the nut which you turn to adjust height) are at the same position on the thread each side. Wouldn't be surprised if the previous owners and a little play around with the settings. How bad is the height difference?
  22. Can you give us more details? Wheel's width, offset, what tyres you're running now, etc. Also, where's it rubbing? If it's rubbing the guards, it could work out cheaper to just roll the guards. That way you can keep/put wider tyres on without rubbing.
  23. As far as I know, the S13 and R32 digital climate controls are the same thing. Just look a little different. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  24. The specs of the wheels should be on the wheels somewhere, either printed in or stuck on by a sticker. If there's no sticker or any numbers just measure using a ruler, but remember that rim's width aren't measured from inside lip to outside lip. If you measure from one side to another and get 9" wide, chances are they're only 8" wide. 305's could fit, but what's the chances of them working properly.
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