I managed to catch upto him and have a look it only had the single tip and wasn't overly big and didn't sound that loud either.. well compared to mine...
Spotted a Silver s2 in the switch today.. came out of side street near Nth ippy caltex, VERY sideways i might add.. looked gud from where i was sitting but give us liners a bad name... coz we all know that none of us do that
hehe thanks, ur a bit size happy with the writing eh?
Shane, ur 25det coilpacks u have they fit my motor coz i was talking to nick and he reckons that they differ s1 to s2?
Yeah hope i can get to some im on weekend shift at the moment... *sigh* looks forward to easter public holidays! paid not to work
Warrenty will proberbly only cover like $500 worth on them so i'll have to pay some i guess...r.r.p anyone?