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Everything posted by Gts25Tom

  1. Ah but wouldnt the clippers then need to be shipped back to china for warranty work? Sounds like shoddy sweat shop clippers to me.
  2. This happened to mine....there is a latch next to the boot lock that disables the cable release....christ alone knows why.....bumped mine while putting the sub in and the bloody thing wouldnt open with the key. My solution was pull the back seat out and theres a (small) access panel, got a mate with long arms and a long pair of pliers to move the switch and it opened with the lever. Unless your cables broken......then your rooted.
  3. did i say heat range 5? I meant 6. Whichever one NGK reccommends in the parts book where the ones i got. Goddammit this is what i miss about the VN. If it starts playing up you just do skids till it explodes then buy a new engine
  4. Oops double post.
  5. This has just started happening to my car too. '93 model 33 with 3' turbo back and the dual stage boost removed. I changed my plugs to NGK coppers heat:5 gap 1.1 about 2 months ago and i had a good look at the coils when i had them out and they all looked ok. But last week it started stuttering/missing at about 5k rpm. Runs fine once you get to 5500 - 6000. I might have to look at the coils again and maybe ungimmick the boost controller and see if that has any effect. I cant see why it would though.
  6. Four letters......OMFG
  8. well harro
  9. Oh s**t really? I'm a bit worried now about the 40'000 oil changes I did as an apprentice at roys auto care.
  10. I would LOVE to see both of those.
  11. Dealers aren't the only ones that will try to pressure you into buying. The first r33 I looked at was a bit bargain basement re: paint and interior, but the price was an absolute steal. Was almost considering buying it until i took it for a drive and noticed a bit of smoke when you shift gears.... when i said i'd get back to him the dude panicked and knocked $500 off his asking price. I'm trying to get away and he knocks ANOTHER $500 off the price. He was practically begging me to take it and he starts getting shitty telling me i'll never get a better deal etc. Then on the way home he rings me to tell me hes had an offer and do i want to make him an offer before he sells it to the other guy He just wouldnt give up. I couldve got it for a song but i knew that little bit of smoke was going to be worth big $$$ sooner or later. Not to mention it looked like he'd had a few orgies inside it
  12. Worked like a charm. I did it yesterday and the car feels a lot more responsive. I highly recommend doing this if your running stock boost.
  13. I cant wait to try this mod but one burning question bothers me. Why Why WHY did nissan make the r33 with dual stage boost to begin with? They've ruined the low RPM power and for what? Fuel economy? Yeah right. Better turbo/internal reliability? Possibly, but the engine is clearly capable of handling 7-8psi no problems. Does anyone know of any other factory cars with dual-stage boost?
  14. That would almost be worth it just for the amusement.
  15. Amen to that. No man can say they are not aroused by that sound. That sexy little crackle when you shift up is good too.
  16. ROFL @ new barina. My last car was a VN. Idled like a pig the whole time I had it. The radiator fan never worked in the two years i had it, it would just bake in heavy traffic. Leaky tranny, steering rack, fuel tank etc. Drove it thru 3 feet of water last year when the gold coast flooded (long story). It came up to just under the air intake. When i dropped the oil there was more muddy water in the crankcase than oil. Flushed her out. New starter motor. Good as new (except for the wet car smell which would take a month or two to disappear). Lasted another year until the head gasket went, probably from the constant overheating.
  17. Farted around at Queensland Transport getting the rego sorted. Waited and waited while the Cletus behind the counter picked his nose. Finally get the plates and screw em on and away we go. So frustrating driving through Brisbane peakhour traffic, just starting to get boost then you have to slow down again. Finally we're on the highway and the windows go down, no stereo so no sound but the roar of the exhaust as I can finally put my foot down. It feels better than I ever imagined. And I imagined it feeling pretty goddamn good.
  18. Looks like no.
  19. I think 11k is pretty fair. If it drives well its probably worth it. Are you really going to be happy with a car in that condition though? I wouldnt be able to stand looking at the grody steering wheel and the doors everytime i got into it. If you only want to spend 10 - 11 look at an r32, you'll pick up a mint one with a few mods for that price.
  20. 18L/ 100km ????!?!?! Thats pretty heavy for an xr6. What sort of power output do they have?
  21. I wanted a 300ZX to begin with but after doing a bit of research (and seeing a couple get towed into work) I changed my mind and started test driving the gts-t's. The first drive was enough to convince me but it took a few more to find the one I wanted. Amazing how many of my friends have converted after being taken for a spin. At least 3 are looking at skylines for their next car as a result of my 'demonstrations'.
  22. I got a cover note the minute I registered my gts-t, was still scratching my head wondering if it was worth paying the $1060 lump sum that just car wanted (why the hell dont they let you pay it monthly?) when I slid it into a guardrail. Payed the premium the next morning. Made the claim about 20 minutes later.
  23. 4wd = safer in the wet. 2wd = more fun. I reckon WRX's just dont look sexy old or new.
  24. Red makes it go faster. =)
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