I did do a search, but I've got a couple of different question and couldn't really find an answer for them all... I'm not even sure if this is the right forum. So admins; if you want to move it (or just point me in the right direction), it's all good!
Here we go -
Anyone know what this is? - It's under the parcel shelf next to the battery (if you know what I mean) in the boot space.
Is it associated with what was here...
...what was here? I've seen a few pictures in threads with a box in the middle there, but I assume it got pulled out prior to compliance... probably because it's registed as a 5-seat car as opposed to 4-seat?
Something to do with the stereo? - those speakers look old, so I'm guessing they were factory clarions?
Here's a more obscure one...
What do you think was here? I know it's a long shot, because it could have been almost anything... but it's right in the middle of the dash just over the vents (as you may have guessed).
Lastly, anyone have or know where I could get and english manual for this;
Not a good picture, I know. It's an Eclipse E5510CMT - 6-disk (+1 MD) CD/Tuner. I did look on the Eclipse site, but obviously it's superceded stock... and googling for it only gives me japanese manuals.
Anyhoo... thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
You know how it is; I can't stop myself from wanting to go out and play with it, find out what everything is and does on it...