****, what I did was your fault somehow
****, the presents,I threw all that shit out
**** all the cryin, it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo ,**** you right back
i hate this game more-er ... i just woke up and im already back on it .. im at the very last part..
sorry i didnt say hi to you yesterday mj i was runnign all over the shop and didnt see you
seriously every puzzel was a piece of piss except the security thingo on level 5 how you had to match combinations and see what was wrong with patterns
the only one i got stock on was upening the door via computer cuz i found the letters DRE and i couldnt figure out the password cuz i kep thinking Dr. DRE
ahh man gay!
dont u have uni 2 morrow
yeah beacue u need to get the green wall open to get thru to get some wire snips or somethign so u can break the 2nd force field
its just a matter of finding the right puzzel bits and pieces and get all blocks green.
i wonder if you can like save the game cuz i dont wnana start again