Hey guys,
Im goign to explain it the best i can, btu tis pretty hard..
im car is suddenly stalling on me as of latley..
For example .. if im in 1st and i bring it to the friction point or just off it and give it a rev to just under 3 grand so i move up my drive way about 2 meters and then push the clutch in .. the revs seem to drop down to almost 0 (about 50 - 100 revs)
Now to explain this abit better..
I was drivign down the street, i was in 3rd gear . and i put my foot down to hit about 4 thousand revs.. and as my blow off vavle went off .. i pushed the clutch staight in all the wat to the floor.. and the car stalled itself
Now what ia causing this problem, I have an external blow off valve so im thinking this may have somethign to do with it..
But then i some times think the clutch could be playing up?
Thanks for your help