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Everything posted by mindflux

  1. I cant be fuct reading any of the other posts I think only skyliens show attend cruises unless otherwised noted.. eg: Big skyline cruise 2 .. i would be a bit pist if someone camlong not in a skyline, it defeats the purpose of that whole cruise
  2. mine back fires every now and then .. i just think its due to the 98 octane.. as for it running slugish, i dont knwo becaus ei keep it off boost for the first 5 mins .. and also so diff is a bit weird so yeah
  3. Hey guys, Im goign to explain it the best i can, btu tis pretty hard.. im car is suddenly stalling on me as of latley.. For example .. if im in 1st and i bring it to the friction point or just off it and give it a rev to just under 3 grand so i move up my drive way about 2 meters and then push the clutch in .. the revs seem to drop down to almost 0 (about 50 - 100 revs) Now to explain this abit better.. I was drivign down the street, i was in 3rd gear . and i put my foot down to hit about 4 thousand revs.. and as my blow off vavle went off .. i pushed the clutch staight in all the wat to the floor.. and the car stalled itself Now what ia causing this problem, I have an external blow off valve so im thinking this may have somethign to do with it.. But then i some times think the clutch could be playing up? Thanks for your help
  4. Stick on Carbon Fibre looks shit.. To be honest i was thinking of spicing up my engine bay. if you have the GTS issues of HPI magazine, you will see the first car in the mag, a white r33 I was thinking of doing something like that
  5. just out of interest.. how much would a sheet of carbon fibre about 1.5m squared cost me? and is it wasy to cut? il looking to dress up a few things
  6. Ska i needed to ask you soemthing yet i forget what..
  7. Hi Mindflux... I see you have been unbanned... Nice to have mates in power isn't it... It sure is Especially when your mate in power is the owner of the forum Im outta here, have a nice day!
  8. Good morning Boys and girld
  9. Joey, Thanks for the reply .. ill pass on this workshop unless i win lotto
  10. Clearly LG makes them
  11. how do LG MegaLight Plus 50% compare to these piaa h1s?
  12. nexus can i get that brand and mdoel numba please
  13. ahh ok .. im lookign at getting stainless steel pipes .. however thats nto really the point, im just trying to figure out sizes
  14. Ok i Pmd Gary1 because i wanted a special one seeing if he will do a custom one or something .. once i hear back ill see if i cna get the grape vine started
  15. Hey Ska .. im not going on thursday, any chance you can grab me one .. and ill get it off you when i see you next ? edit: heres the link to street weapons http://www.sign-fx.com.au/store/index.php?...ffset=&keyword=
  16. Yeah i needed some to hand out to a few people .. I was speaking to jordy32 last week, and i didnt have a flyer to give him, but i told him what you guys do, thursday nights and told him to join up .. glad he rememebred the website address he must have a good memory
  17. Yes, I read it ..
  18. Yeah it doesnt work on mine due to me not having a recent version of word installed.
  19. Strutto - the flyer doesn load correctly, nor does it download correctly if possible can you convert it to a .pdf document thatnks
  20. Lol .. Thuaght you might have figured it out quicker What did cute girlie say? Well how about you watch the movie i was sending up..
  21. Uhmm.. Doesnt anyone own an intercooler? or something :S
  22. I pulled the knob end off the switch and theres nothing in there but plastic the long bar switch that my indicators are on is a bit grindy, so i dont knwo if i should just replace the switch (but at $200!) or take it to an auto electrician and try and get them to fix it ( which may not be able to be fixed, hence costing me more money)
  23. Sup Jordan, Glad you joined up.. Dont knwo what else to say, i pretty much filled you in on how everything works around here (last friday night) Oh and remember my headlight? yeah.. the whole switch is busted and the car isn't pinging like i first thought. Cant wait to catch up again bro.
  24. Hey just a quick question.. Im designing a custom pipe kit ofr my intercooler, and i need to know.. what kind of zie pipe i should use. my intercooler has 3" outlets, but i hear this is too big for a stock rb20det engine/turbo what size should i make my pipes?
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