Well on Wednesday night i was minding my own when i got pulled over buy a cop car (nothing new), anyway as soon as i stepped out of my car i was yelled out to place my hands on the roof of my car and not to move and i complied. Anyways when they were asking me a heap of questions i politly asked why i was pulled over and they siad that they were following me and they seen me doing at lest 80km/h in a 50 zone, to which i replyed that i was not speeding but rather doing under 40km/h when i passed them going in the other way, Anyways they asked me where my drivers licence was and said that it was in my wallet.
Anyways to cut the story short i have a NT licence since i mainly live in NT and come down to SA due to work. well the couldn't prove that i was speeding and so they said that they were going to Defect my car and started looking it over for atlest 20 min while i was been questioned why i was in Adelaide for and how long have i been here and why i have a SA reg on my car if i live in NT. To which i explained that i fly back and have a car in Alice springs and its cheeper to fly and faster then to drive 1500km every month. So in the end they couldn't find anything to defect me for, so to slap me in the face they pinned me for not having a SA licence but an SA reg car. So that means that i am lieing to them and so they pinned me with a $325!!! fine and i am not allowed to drive till i get a SA licence. So long story short i had to FuC* walk home at 9:30 at night caz i didnt bring my bank card with me and now i lose half a weeks worth of wage because two little wankers who think they are kool caz they get to carry firearms around think that they are "The Law" I aint saying that all Sapol cops are bad but for F*ck sake how come there are sooo many wankers in Gaypol. I feel its unjust that caz my work forces me to travel as part of me position between SA and NT that i should be treated like a crim caz i love and look after my skyline........
In summing up this story that now that maybe that next time i should just speed so that i get a $127 doller fine insteed of telling the truth......might even just not stop and see how far i can get...but in saying that I aint that kinda person who would do something but out of the 15 months that i have been traveling between SA and NT i have been pulled over at lest 12 times that i can remember and in NT never.
Sick of Gaypol treating skyline owners as all crims and scum not every one is!!!