semi slicks (federal 595RS not some cheater R comps), 15psi in 1st (holds on fine to redline unless its sub 10c outside at which point there is nothing i can do make it hold), 2nd 17psi, 3rd 17psi to 4500 and 20 psi to redline, 4th & 5th 20 psi.
i run 0 camber on the rear with fairly stiff coilovers (however they are set a lot softer on the rear)
if i change the boost ramp so it goes from nothing to full 20 psi from 2500-3500 it will let go in 3rd at 100km/h no problem, amusing but that doesnt make for a quick car or long tyre life, with my setup like that a stock turbo @ 200kw is faster to almost any legal speed for the street as there is zero traction without babying it or shifting early in every gear.
as for the turbo room42, GT35/GT35R/3540/3582/3582R = same thing.