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Everything posted by TiTAN

  1. keep off the crack man,didnt you see that it did an epic burnout and posted it on youtube saying to vote for it if you like the clip.
  2. same version of the software. lots of things it could be - the firmware as my ecu is still running older firmware - that save file is old (8 months old) and was saved from the older firmware. - my work pc has also never been connected to my ecu
  3. i am not sure about the 200hz thing, they appeared after going to the latest software.
  4. Here is my setup for VCT (i have set it up quite differently to you)
  5. i thought once something was sold it was sold end of discussion. call up fair trading and see what they say?
  6. print off the pictures, call pirtek (0417201007) find out when he will be in, take pictures ask him if he can replicate that, visit clark rubber which is 5 mins down the road and ask them to show you where the petrol resistant PVC hose is (up the back from memory) use the pump with its new fittings to find what sizes you need. i have used the stock sock on mine and just gave it a clean with some new fuel and a compressor. i had to heat up the hose with boiling water to get the sock to insert into it as its an odd size.
  7. if it doesnt break you arent trying hard enough
  8. you need to visit clark rubber and pirtek. (both are in fyshwick) needs to look like this thats the stock fuel sock shoved into some petrol rated PVC hose with an adaptor on the bottom of the 044, on the top is a 1 way valve and hose adaptor with some more PVC hose sliced open and wrapped around the pump to reduce the noise.
  9. get a GTR one and modify piping to fit?
  10. a heat range 7 plug is the hottest you would want to go with a GT35, anything hotter will just give you problems as soon as the boost comes on.
  11. i went back to edit the post after i found the ad, but you were too quick Looks like it is going to be a quick car, fast enough to worry michele?
  12. specs? do you know if its a close ratio box or just a stronger gearset?
  13. A tuner should be able to tell you if your o2 sensor is working correctly as well, if it is not you need to replace it.
  14. late model XR6 turbo cat, stock cams, and a good tune based around passing emissions and you should be good to go (you may require a couple of tunes to get it right) E85 helps a lot too.
  15. http://www.caltex.com.au/ProductsAndServic...s/BioFuels.aspx
  16. turning it into the first 32/34 skyline hatch?
  17. you can only edit a post for 1 hour, after that you need a mod/admin to do it for you. In so far: 12 Trozzle +1 Mel Zane Shell Eiji +1 Pat +1 nerm +1 Steven
  18. more than you do hitting another car or a tree during your late night drifts. ps. your rights to use the ! should be removed, WE DONT NEED YOU TO YELL EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. what part of that doesnt scream i have been doing hektik skids to you?
  20. yes and it was horribly disfigured.
  21. reported as spam.
  22. when you load up the revs it stops the cyclic idle as its name suggests it only effects the idle, when you get into the antilag areas it adds more fuel, reduces the ignition timing massively and doesnt fire on all cyls so you essentialy are firing the cyl into the exhaust manifold on some and putting raw fuel into the exhaust manifold on the others giving you lots of very hot gas to spin up the turbo (and the cyclic idle is there to help cool this down and keep the revs sane with the throttle open ~20% when "fully closed"). its not great for your turbo or cat (which will not last long before its insides are smashed to pieces/melted) as you pop and bang when the engine revs drop between gear changes/exiting corners keeping the turbo spinning nice and quick. this keeps the turbo ready to come on boost as soon as you get on the loud pedal so you get less of the wait as a turbo spools back up, it can also be used off the line to launch at full boost but you need a lot of grip to keep from just doing a burnout instead. you need to keep in mind that this all requires someone to set it up in the ECU/TB, it is more than just a case of turning it on and it working out of the box.
  23. that is cyclic idle, it is part of the antilag system and is designed to help cool the engine/turbo/exhaust down by not firing all the cyls as antilag dumps a lot of heat into the exhaust/turbo. dispite sounding as lumpy as it does the car is doing ~1500-2000rpm
  24. you do however have to have antilag turned on to use cyclic idle, keep in mind though that your brakes are vac assisted and with cyclic idle setup you have very little vaccume and that does effect braking performance quite a bit.
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