fairly straight forward to hook up, wire the wideband output to an analogue input (any free AN Volt input is fine, set the input up to WideBand and pick a free calibration table)
Now you need to setup the calibration table. You should have gotten info with your wideband controler that tells you what AFR it is at 0v and 5v, for example i have used the info for my unit, yours will probably be different if its is not the same unit. ( http://wbo2.com/2j/default.htm )
Output Units: AFR
Output Value A: 9.00 AFR
Input Value A: 0.00 V
Output Value B: 19.00 AFR
Input Value B: 5.00 V
now under Fuel > Closed loop Lambda you can use WB Closed Loop or WB Closed Loop V2