If you need/want a large tank. i have the snow performance 9.5L (2.5gal) tank the last time i threw some fluid in it was 4 or more months ago and i only filled it up half way, still has ~1/4 left.
if you aren't going a massive amount of power 1000cc injectors will support over 400kw on E85. you can just use both the feed and return as feeds and run a single new return line.
as for 11:1 and bent rods if you are going to the effort of making it run 11:1 might as well throw some aftermarket rods in it as they are only ~800 for a decent spool set.
id say give the 11:1 + smallish turbo a go, though you will have to run E85 or some race fuel i dont think 98 will like 11:1+ boost without water meth injection (another option if E85 is not easily available).
you disconnect the battery before pulling the ECU out, that way there isn't any power running through the system to give sparks.
you may have blown a fuse check them all with a test light/multimeter.
check out the speedflow part code 816-6-6 or 920-6 (o ring version) should be a male -6 to male -6
that's from my speedflow catalog but it is a few years old now.
perhaps look into getting some of the ACL heat shield between the dump and the ABS/electronics in the corner.
similar to my setup except with more care taken.
brain fart, one of them screws into the block on the exhaust side (-6 fitting), the other goes behind the engine and plugs onto some coolant hose under the intake.
you wont get much more than 320kw out of the 0.82 version on pump fuel (98) you need E85 or some other exotic fuel/effective octane enhancer to get much more