One line is pressure to help hold the gate closed (intake plenum AFTER TB) , one is pressure to open the gate before the TB.
How you hook the lines up to the NO (normally open), NC (normally closed), and COM (common) fittings on the boost control solenoid depends how you want the solenoid to work. Hooking the source (from intercooler pipe pre TB) to COM and from NO to the waste gate will give the safest option as the wastegate will open at spring pressure (high solenoid duty high boost - low duty low boost) if the solenoid fails, hooking it up to COM and NC will hold all the pressure back from the gate (and give the best response/may be required to hold boost using antilag) until duty is added to the solenoid so if the solenoid /lines fail you run unlimited boost (low solenoid duty high boost - high duty low boost).