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Everything posted by TiTAN

  1. try both and see which you prefer. its not hard to change which way it operates just a bit of fiddling to get the boost pressure right again.
  2. you may be limited to one way or the other depending on how the profec b works. if it is purely duty based then it can use either method but most will only do the safer of the two methods.
  3. One line is pressure to help hold the gate closed (intake plenum AFTER TB) , one is pressure to open the gate before the TB. How you hook the lines up to the NO (normally open), NC (normally closed), and COM (common) fittings on the boost control solenoid depends how you want the solenoid to work. Hooking the source (from intercooler pipe pre TB) to COM and from NO to the waste gate will give the safest option as the wastegate will open at spring pressure (high solenoid duty high boost - low duty low boost) if the solenoid fails, hooking it up to COM and NC will hold all the pressure back from the gate (and give the best response/may be required to hold boost using antilag) until duty is added to the solenoid so if the solenoid /lines fail you run unlimited boost (low solenoid duty high boost - high duty low boost).
  4. Nothing stopping you shipping the engine/bits down to them to get it built. Bubba, missed that post will pm you some.
  5. The 30 block has a spot for the oil pressure sensor on the side of the block and presumably if you are going to the effort of a 30 conversion you can afford an oil cooler/filter relocation kit. I personally have not used the heat exchanger on my 30.
  6. no shit man two jay zee?
  7. bubba, you will do 3rd easy but i haven't had troubles with 4th gear so far even with some nitromethane additive in the WMI (good for 30-50hp apparently, seat of the pants dyno says it makes a noticeable power gain assuming the 50hp boost thats 490hp @ the rears)
  8. This question gets asked a lot, internal wastegates don't sound good with screamers because they never seal properly and are always leaking. Leaving you with a car that sounds like its doing a wet fart all the time.
  9. oil doesn't last forever even if you don't use it much.
  10. what is the current guesstimate power figure?
  11. they also rate the 35r as a 600hp turbo yet people are making near 600hp at the wheels on them, i get the feeling they under estimate a little there
  12. there are a few threads on adapting the RB26 throttle bodys/ intake manifold to the RB25 head. do a search.
  13. too much bigger than a 35R and on a standard capacity 26 the car will be no good for any circuit work as the power will be way too peaky leaving drag racing as about the only thing its suited for.
  14. surely the stock manifold is going to be a restriction on a 35R
  15. GT35R. its big enough to keep making power.
  16. well that's only 10% more fuel than the norm when switching to E85, but that seems a little low for so much extra timing, are you sure you aren't advancing the timing too far?
  17. my fully built engine only gets revved to 7500, you don't need silly revs to go quickly.
  18. my old cat back exhaust was fitted to an S13 when it was removed from my car. where the cut goes i don't remember, but if you have the car its being fitted to im sure you or the shop doing it can see where it needs to be as the bends are the wrong way.
  19. dyno results thread.
  20. you need to cut and twist the exhaust and move the hangers.
  21. As no one else seems to be aware of it. ARIAS make off the shelf highish comp forged pistons for the 25/30. These are the ones i have in my engine. Suit RB26/30, 25/30 p/n= AP332104 10.6cc dome top 21mm pin 1.280" compression height Only stocked in 0.20 thou oversize (86.5mm). COMPRESSION RATIO 9.2-9.4 They also make these with even higher compression Suit RB26/30, 25/30 p/n= AP332105 13cc dome top 21mm pin 1.280" compression height Only stocked in 0.20 thou oversize (86.5mm). COMPRESSION RATIO 9.5-9.8 No need to mess about with RB25 pistons and what not.
  22. they are now the 6th and 7th states.
  23. are you now running the boost control solenoid normally closed instead of normally open?
  24. its when you have too much boost and the springs are not able to hold the valves closed.
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