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Everything posted by TiTAN

  1. Farmer trev
  2. Doing donuts on the lawn isn't the same as mowing it.
  3. Red emperor just about doubled in price at open.
  4. Aow just did a successful funding raise of $2
  5. Did you look at the red emperor history? 3 months ago it was at 45c, 1.5 months ago it was at 90c a few days ago it was back at 45c.
  6. If you even get paid leave. Aren't you lucky to get 3 weeks leave a year and most people don't get paid for it?
  7. I am fairly sure at least some parents would complain of you disposed of their kids, how you do it is probably irrelevant.
  8. Get ambitious and aim for ceo?
  9. She has to deal with kids though. Dezz only has to deal with childish adults.
  10. One each?
  11. The perfect wasteland accommodation on your next trip to Belgium. http://verbekefoundation.com/en/slapen/casanus/ Cas Anus. Only 120 euro a night.
  12. But think of the pain involved in shitting it out.
  13. Did the doctor expect your intestines to be missing?
  14. A tic tac and 2 kool mints?
  15. Are you the one telling the site workers they must wear long sleeve shirts and pants in the middle of summer outside while you sit in an air-conditioned room in your shorts and tshirt?
  16. Control by Web do a 24v 10 zone sprinkler controller, connects to your network so you can remotely control it as well as having saved schedules.
  17. What if I'm more of an aged cheddar kind of guy?
  18. The apc or the machine gun?
  19. Try harder. You can make it.
  20. Cheap engine, cheap parts, easy power.
  21. Softer than a 60c cone at maccas.
  22. Will you be pillaging any women so that they can work your fields in the spring?
  23. Now you just need Lachlan to man the BBQ.
  24. Clutch is a wear item imo. Unknown km and abuse too. Young kid, launches slipping the shit out of it. Vw dealerships aren't doing repair costs any favours though. I had a 3rd party shop fix my rear haldex pump and it was $800 installed vs $1500 the dealership wanted.
  25. 88e did an advertising push yesterday and did a trading halt today till the 12th. Good news or bad?
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