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Everything posted by TiTAN

  1. That's a bit like buying a stock car over one with a few boltons. Clearly you should go for one that's already had the money spent making it better.
  2. They look hideous. It makes for a rear end only a mother could love.
  3. Because 4 turbos?
  4. That's kind of its designed function, what were they expecting? Oh, no it's just going to be mildly annoying?
  5. Now to see how much air you can get jumping it off things.
  6. A skyline sedans only good for wristies or gobbies, both are possible without the sedan. Simple logic suggests having the sedan is redundant then, not to mention the brake light issue.
  7. They will likely attempt to buy out and integrate anything that they perceive as superior.
  8. That's a very clean/shiny heat shield you have there.
  9. Checked around the front and rear crank seals? Did you use some silicone gasket around the half moons for the cam covers?
  10. This guy tests a lot of dash cams. This one is one of his recommend buys, though it's not cheap.
  11. Pffft, that is only big enough to be an exhaust tip.
  12. What kind of terrible poser buys an evo and doesn't take it to the track? That's quite literally what it's made for.
  13. Poor thing. It's covered in terrible stickers.
  14. That corner isn't one you want to suddenly find out you have gone over something and can't slow down for.
  15. Relatively cheap changes to get you leaving the line better. Roughly every 0.1s you can reduce the 60 foot you will be 0.2s faster overall. So if your 60 foot is terrible as it sounds like it is, you can gain a lot by sorting that out.
  16. If you don't have 4wd you can't just dump it. Gotta be mean to the clutch. Mickey Thompson et streets if you want to get off the line faster and a pair of rims to stick them on if you can't swap tyres cheap/easily. If you can soften the rear it will help and or get some subframe bushes from Lachlan if you don't have aftermarket ones to help it squat.
  17. All you needed to do was install an application that did it all for you.
  18. I have some solaris boxes running storage, they are really solid for uptime. I had one half crash, the local ui was completely unresponsive and you couldn't SSH into it but it keep serving up data flawlessly until it could be rebooted.
  19. 8 was good if you fixed the start menu.
  20. I installed windows 98 se on a gigabyte iram back in the mid 2000s. Amazing bootup speed. Took about 19 seconds from power button press to desktop, and about 15 seconds of that was the bios, This was before you could get an ssd.
  21. Lol. Need more devil Z for that. Or you need to buy your wife an r32. Either or.
  22. You can download a tool to create the install media for you from Microsoft. It would not have all the drivers etc for the laptop on it though. You will need to download and install those from the manufacturer website. https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/software-download/windows10ISO
  23. Windows 10 is different, it doesn't have a sticker as all the licencing is done via digital fingerprints of hardware, so you don't even have to enter a licence key it just checks your machine vs a database and says yes/no.
  24. Pc case gear all the way.
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