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Everything posted by TiTAN

  1. its super secret members only.
  2. birds, not something i would normally consider but its catching my fancy.
  3. nein. start and finish times in the correct boxes.
  4. time sheet filled in. good thing i remembered before i forgot when i started and finished and where i was.
  5. i should fill in my time sheet for the last 2 days.
  6. im not sure i want to eat the hulk, it could be dangerous to my health.
  7. less green would improve the hulk massively.
  8. used to? i still do.
  9. my lack of belief has not subsided.
  10. not enough zoom with your current one?
  11. pics or its a saltana.
  12. by 1 month, we both beat them by about 4 years.
  13. i was talking about join dates. 06 brah.
  14. i got you both beat by a long way.
  15. i have just looked up a heap of their other stuff. interesting is one way to describe it.
  16. bill gates comes to mind. has donated many millions.
  17. so go to town on white russians?
  18. oh, i hadnt even considered that it would be a "your gay" insult.
  19. it was a sig worthy comment.
  20. i dont see what he did there. is it a play on mo having a young partner? that he cant keep one long enough? that he cant get one? im just not sure where the insults targeted.
  21. while its true your undies do lie quite flat, you never do leg day so those thighs are a lie.
  22. just because pedantic, your turbo is working the wrong way nick, it should be shooting the penis out that side not sucking it in.
  23. this is a post, it contains things i have typed.
  24. conversely one to either of your sacks of potatoes and the other is out.
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