> get out of bed at 10:30
> go to work at 11:00
> have lunch
> drive out to one of the sites
> lift heavy shit for a few hours
> go home at 18:30
> sit at home and do nothing much for quite a few hours
average day.
for anyone interested in the results of ABC's vote compas data.
1.5k premium for 18k or so cover
Cams license
not Garaged
No fines/accidents since 18yo
Only car
im sure my area isnt bogan central, its too expensive for them.
why do i get slugged 500 more when im older and the car is valued for less. shit aint fair yo.
it turned out to be 26mm, i have a socket of that size but it would have had to be a deep socket and i dont have one of them in 26mm
all good now, removed and packed up to be shipped to sydney tomorrow. all aboard the im poor train!
22mm was the biggest i had, so larger than that. should be sorted though i located an adjustable spanner that goes out to 30mm, that should cover it easy.
i pulled my ayc pump out this morning.
so many bolts.
turns out i dont have a spanner large enough to undo the pressure sensor, and i need to take it off.