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Everything posted by Aif

  1. i got my FMIC sitting out there for everyone to see. i love it. ah yeah and i cut out my M-Spec front bar so now my car smiles at me Aif
  2. apparently theres a dude at the good guys with the same last name as me. singed up for 3broadband today. woot Aif
  3. thanks for the feed back guys and gals, ill be getting my car back this thursday so i dont have to drive a hyundai GetZ, then ill be keen for a cruise. also sry for the delayed replies, i havce to go to manuka copy shop for the internet, just out of curiousity does anyone know how to fit a hicas boss kit to and r33? i keep getting my light coming on when im on a long stretch of highway and my car horn doesnt work. if anyone can help can u send me a txt on 0423 143 211, (will need this fixed before RWC). Thank you Aif
  4. lol, cheers man, i'll hopefully be keeping my plates till october and will get my ride height set so the fuzz are happy. thanks for all your advise guys. c you'll soon Aif
  5. shit. . . . my car got picked up by the transport company and the dude taking it didnt seem like he'd had experience with lowered, performance cars or button clutchs. also, i woke up yesterday and found frost on my car and thought f@ck its pritty cold and thn thought about how cold ACT will be and whimpered a little. see you guys soon. if you see a red r33 with qld plates and a giant driving it say g'day. Aif
  6. i just found out today that just cars want $790 for 3rd party fire and theft as apposed to my current $437, WTF ! new q for this thread (sry to change the topic but i didnt want to start a new one). what are you guys doing for insurance? im 22 M and living around tuggeranong. and does this mean my rego will be heaps more then in brissy? may have to get a trade section for my arse to pay for my car. im a sad panda Aif
  7. hay guys & girls, my lady friend and i are moving to the ACT this weekend and i was woundering: - do i need to get a RWC for every rego renewal (not nessasary in QLD)? - what do i need complience plates for (mods listed below). - how much are u guys paying for rego and fuel. anyway, hopefully ill be right to come for thge ignition and photo shoot cruise's, Cheers, Aif P.S does anyone know of a really good mobile detailer?
  8. mercury motorsports are good in brissy. but try to avoide TRACKSIDE PERFORMANCE they did a simple service on my last car and put the wrong plugs in and didnt put oil back in my car after draining it. also they f**k the oil pressure sensor on my dads car(which then leaked the hole cars oil out) and said " yeah mate we'll fix it and only charge you parts. there a bunch of D grad wanks. anyway, mercury motorsports. there good (07) 3352 3363 sorry to hijack the thread. (ow and im moving to greenway ACT, on friday so ill see you guys at the ignition thang and the photo cruise Aif
  9. i think bleed valves work by restricting the air going to the acuator. if you tighten the bleed valve the actuator read's that it doesn't need to open yet, allowing your boost to be higher.and if you loosen the bleed valve it doesnt restrict the air flow to the actuator so it will actuate at a lower PSI. this is what i've gathered from other peoples threads. if im wrong "can someone pls clarify", good luck. Aif
  10. i got my coilpacks from SAU trader Slide. $530 delivered, excellent coils and four hundred cheapwer then auto barn and super cheap. Good luck, Aif.
  11. nice, im moving to ACT next week so ill be there. Aif
  12. how will the clutch make a diffrence? just curious coz i though the only time a would be a problem would be when your running more power then the clutch is rated for, in which it will self distruct. get your compression checked. Aif
  13. thanks for your replies guys, i got a set of split fires from SLIDE and when i was installing them i found that there was close to half a f%*king cup of water drowning the coil packs and s/plugs, yeah i know what your thinking. (WTF) where i live i park in a rather steep driveway and when it rain for a few days tyhe water ran down my car and flowed over the part where the wipers are, into thew engine bay and into through the coil cover, i should have taken some pics for you guys, the water finished just below the bracket that u screw the coils into, between the 2 cases. thanks again, Aif
  14. no vents on the bonnet, but the machanic that came out to check it out said he could hear the spark escaping and that it was shitty coils, and that they may have worked fine when it was dry but as soon as any kind of moisture was in the air BAM, i'd loose spark. so im just waiting for my splitfire coils yay AIF
  15. the other week queensland finaly got some rain and my car ran like crap, so i put the stock air box on and it was ok after a while. this weekend again, rain, car ran crap, but now that the rain is gone it still sounds like not all cylinders are fireing properly (my RB sounds like a subaru), My cousin said it sounds like maybe my plugs are gone (copper plugs changed 1 or 2 months ago when tuned) or my coils are shagged. does it sound like it would be my coils plugs AFM or something else. -AIF
  16. i bought brand new motor from alljaps virginia its in brisbane $125 any motors for windows.
  17. try calling auto spares places and ask them how much it will cost to buy the parts your selling. this place wanted me to swap my S1 M-spec frontand give them $250 for a S2 front bar with a dent and without rio, then told me that my M-SPEC front bar was rare and he'd sell it for $600 (what a d!ckhe@d's)so what ever there lowest swap price is i'd sell it for that? just an idea. Good luck mate, Aif
  18. i had hesitation with my FMIC, i had a few problems air line melt shut and cause boost spiking also check that u dont have any air leaks, and you have the correct plugs (.8 gap) and the plugs are the right heat range.
  19. you shouldnt need to be that good with a spray gun for priming as you'll be sanding alot of it off tehn spraying again, and sanding, and spraying then filling little pit holes, then sanding etc till your undercoat looks like glass, also i wouldnt sand right back to metal unless your treating rust or a big dent as Craved stated, i found that sanding back to metal made the metal warp when i sprayed my last cars roof, and if u have dip's on your roof you see it from miles away when finished. good luck Aif
  20. i've mounted a boost gauge(PSI) in the same way EvilINGT hads done his e-boost, and i have also got my turbo timer hidden in my ashtray so people cant see my timer. Aif
  21. if you do go the pod path, you'll wonna make or buy some kind of CIA to stop hot air from you engine bay being inducted. Aif
  22. I don't know if this will help,but, i read a post a while back about this guy using his stock BOV, and having a vent to atmo. BOV just after the Intercooler pipe. ? you'd have to get a exhaust shop to install it for you and you should be alright. please correct me if I'm wrong. good luck mate. Aif
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