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  1. Cant help you with much. But I would suggest vinnies or salvos store. (one on parramatta rd Ashfield. Just past bunnings is masive) not only do you get cheap stuff. Its helping out the charity too. I just went through a similar situation as you early this year and thats what i did. Furnished a 1br apartment for $500ish (Sofa bed, bed frame (i had a mattress), coffee table, kitchen table/chairs, lamps, bed side table, chest of draws, washing machine). Just remember to have a van or trailer as they wont sell big stuff too you unless you can take it right then and there. PS. Sorry to hear about the bust up.
  2. Whoops. My mistake. At a glance it looked R32ish. My bad. See what happens when a GTiR driver thinks he knows his skylines.
  3. Hope everyone here still has their cars. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/poli...9-1225873810745 Sad to see an R32 in that state, Must have beem moving to end up with that sort of damage.
  4. Was in JB Hifi in belconnen (ACT) today and they are taking preorders for GT5 as of today. Couldnt get a straight answer as to the release date though.
  5. Here is a pic of my fave part of my car. I know its not a skyline but close enough. Sill a nissan awd turbo.
  6. Thats cool Plan is to replace Shitty and way too stiff D2's for TEIN in the Pulsar. Every other bush, link, brace, nut and bolt that can be changed has been done by a well known and trusted suspension shop in sydney. Appears the last owner ran out of coin when it came to the coilovers. Well i will look forward to your feedback (and getting his quote).
  7. Can you let me know what you think of their work v costs/value for money. as i am considering Getting them to sort out some bits and bobs for my pulsar.
  8. I think i see that one everyday at Belconnen. I normally park the GTi-R next to it. It sits there wishing it was as awesome it was. If its not the same one then there is another Bayside blue R34 GTR running stupidly rich about
  9. Sorry i didnt make it this friday guys, was a family emergency back home in sydney. Will try to make it this friday.
  10. No not me Mine is black with Black and gold plates, Bronze Type 57 Gram lights and a rusty exhaust tip (i took the straight through one off so i wouldn't go deaf on the way down and just got the exhaust shop to put in a new rear muffler and wast going to pay for a fancy tip on it). Ok sweet i look forward to meeting you guys there.
  11. Hey guys, I am down from Sydney for a while (4 months) and have my Pulsar GTi-R (its almost a skyline) here and keen to see what the car scene is like. Anyone care if I catch up with you guys one Friday. As i would like to find some people to hang with while i am here who are in to cars. What do you guys normally do once you meet, is there a standard drive or place to go? Where do you meet (PM me if you want) as I have no idea where the "museum" or anything else around here is. If you could let me know would be great. i understand that a few of you will be at shannons thing on Saturday so i may check that out too. Cheers Paul.
  12. As a BTiR owner myself i would recommend one to anyone IF (and this is a big IF) you have the time and skills (or $$) to maintain it like you would an R32 GTR, they are old and finicky but oh so much fun. The Gearboxes are a weak point If you treat it like shit, but in saying that they got the rep as people would put the heaviest brass button clutch in after the stock one slipped and then wonder why the box shattered. Treat it right and it will be good to you What i would recommend for the price range is this. http://forum.gtiroz.net/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=10543 Just look at the mod list and add it up. Its a bargin! Have a look around on the for sale page on the site, there are some pretty good stockish ones going for less than $10k. Cheers
  13. I have the mag, Reasons for slow times are due to the owner not letting them use launch control and as mentioned above stock rubber. Hardly seems worth while entering a car in that type of comp then saying no to using all the gizmos on the car like launch control. FYI check out the Golf R32 that city performance entered, $70k in mods, bloody crazy.
  14. I am almost certain (I can't recall the plates/wheels etc but... I would say 85% sure it was it) this went past me on Fairford (sp) rd/Stacey st Bankstown this avo. If i had known i would have followed it and called the cops. So sorry to hear the bad news
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