Hey there,
It appears as thou' most of the photo's relating to this topic are no longer here so I've taken a few (pretty average) photos to help.
*Disclaimer - I am definitely not an expert in this, and only a chump would follow my instructions without someone else confirming this first!
*Disclaimer 2 - I will assume that other noobs may read this, and start at the beginning. I am not insulting your intelligence.
First, find the turbo wastegate (see photo)
These pics show the 2 ends of the hose that I have used for my boost controller.
Towards front end of car, beside air-box.
Very hard to see, but here is the location of the hose coming off the wastegate.
Follow the hose that is pictured until it meets a T piece.
Remove all three hoses from the T piece and put away somewhere safe (or throw-away).
Insert the boost controller into the two larger diameter hoses and secure (cable-ties or hose clamps)
I also blocked off the smaller hose with a screw and some electrical tape, although I believe this is unnecessary. This smaller hose leads back to the original boost controller, which I just unplugged the electrical wiring.
Now you can adjust the boost as per the instructions for your controller.
I also believe that if you put the controller in backwards you won't damage anything. (But I could be wrong )
Anyone with any corrections, please let me know!