My Skyline's sick, just not running well
At idle there's black smoke coming out of the exhaust (unburnt fuel) and if I boot it, still black smoke.
So running rich I'd say...
Now some sometimes when I pull up and she drops down to idle, it'll die off and come back up repeatedly. A bit like it would if an inter cooler pipe has come off (but there all OK).
This is not all of the time. All of the above is temperamental. One minute all seems well, normal. And the next minute not so good.
So, I'm thinking that I may be up for a new Airflow meter or O2 Sensor.
Something to note: It has been like this not long after a Service and Tune at 'Un-named firm' about 1 month ago.
Something else to note: I have installed a Air/Fuel mixture gauge, this involve wiring to the O2 Sensor. I installed this before my previous service and tune
where there was no problems. So I don't think this is the problem unless maybe, there's a voltage issue of some sort. Long term load/drag thingy... I dunno...
And here's what is really freaking me out. My Taco has freaky moments just as temperamental as the above and started the same time. It'll be fine doing its job, next
minute it'll be flickering all over the place. Then go back to normal
It's different from day to day. What has happened?
Anyone got any idea what may be going on inside my Skyline?
Or know of some things that could cause these problems?
I've got it booked in to be looked at next week. Have to get it sorted so I can stop worrying and enjoy her again.
Thanks ppl