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Everything posted by princess01

  1. I think it was sean that summed up the weather situation the best 'WE CAN STILL DRIVE IN THE RAIN'!!!!!!! and ur right, the weather turned out to be a big plus. that fog created an awesome atmosphere driving up those roads (kira)
  2. hahahahahahah. i forgot about fabio. the hair flick was by far the best. GOD!!!! long wavy blonde hair..... on a man....... not right!!!!! Oh well. iot appears the guests were more interested in us than the wedding so we provided free entertainment. Love it!!!!!
  3. was a great cruise thanks guys
  4. hey. here are some pics from todays cruise
  5. see ya'll soon
  6. Yeah guys come on I wish i was still at uni!!! I had more free time when i was there than i ever had!!!
  7. Its still on if it rains we will just take normal precautions for wet weather. It wouldnt be so bad if it does rain a bit of relief from this bloody weather would be great Show All
  8. WELL I MADE THE LIST FRO THE PPL WHO SAID THEY WOUKLD ATTEND on the forum so hopefully they are still keen. It may just be me and you well still is an awesome drive down so its all good. c u at 11am at KK/maccas cumb hw on sat
  9. SHANE!!!!! Whats goin on!!! Iam happy to take on the challange for the w'gong cruise just so it still goes ahead. but will need to know who is gonna come? so far attendance is Gemma (me) figjam wisey 18 dori 32 jeffworld2 gizzmo joey chalmers matty boy charlie 25t skyline350gt i will work on getting a few more. Is a great drive down that way. Am looking forward to it.
  10. ok, in reading this all im seeing is yeh, nah, maybe, maybe maybe. Who is actually coming on this cruise?????
  11. Anna thought i had put official reply up here but must of only told you am def there. Am really looking forard to it. The drive down there is awesome.
  12. yep, im there for sure!! Hope we get some more 2 wheelers for you to play with shane
  13. Im in
  14. have had to review this and only 18th good for me
  15. either is good for me
  16. Im in
  17. RSPCA??? dunnom but that is something i am heavily involved in. dont know how other feel bout it but its a good cause and they have just launched their youth program which is stop world wide violence toward both animals and humans. Very good cause..... Each driver could donate whateva they like (from spare change to green backs just a suggestion thats close to my heart. let me knoe what u think cause ill let the education officers @ RSPCA know. RSPCA Humane Education Education Programs | Teaching Humane Values | All Creatures Club Changing hearts and minds Through the RSPCA's humane education program, we can decrease the number of animals subjected to cruelty. The RSPCA believes it is crucial for children of all ages to learn respect towards all animals and to understand that they feel pain just like humans do. Animal abuse does not happen in isolation. It is part of a far bigger problem of violence in society. Research suggests there is a link between animals abuse, child abuse and aggressive, antisocial behaviour. The RSPCA's humane education program aims to break this cycle of violence by giving students skills to make better choices.
  18. I am in cant wait to see what my car has and needs Gemma R33 GTS-T
  19. will def be there!!! look forward to it. an awesome drive down that way!!
  20. HuH, have u decisded on how much stickers are yet?
  21. hahha. yeh no sorry i had to con kirst into coming to cruise. she dislikes anything biut cars. always cuts me off when i strat talking bout them. i think she fell asleep for most of the drive poor darl... still has not accepted the beauty of the skyline dont reckon she will join me on the next one. not like annas friend who i reckon will rush out and buy the next line he sees. he loved them Good to see our positive influence
  22. hey david did u get the pics i posted? there are more on facebook.
  23. and i must say i am very glad to be that other %ile look forward to many many more.. As Shane said. its bloody additictive. i need more!!!
  24. hehe. it was kinda funny looking back off the ferry and seeing 'lonley lancer' back on the road watching us part
  25. What a bloody great drive!!! awesome route!!! congrats to whoeva chose that one Ferry was the best!! Full ferry of skylines. cant beat it!!
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